Opening Theme Song

Edelweiss is such a beautiful song. Then why is it they have a horrid lisping singer singing it? I find it very difficult to even listen to the song in the credits because that Lisp is so "finger nails on chalkboard" to me.

I'm still having a hard time really following the story. It skips around too much, in my opinion.


Even an italian like me can hear that unpleasant "edelweish".

The story becomes much more focused in the second season.


It's so awful I'm surprised John Lewis haven't already jumped on it for their next Christmas ad campaign. Simpering, cutesy and irritating beyond belief.


Is there a reason why they pronounce it that way?? Is it supposed to sound more German? Or is it just someone who never learned how to talk properly?? Or maybe they're missing their front teeth? Yeah it grates, and it's been mentioned on this board oh, about 20 times.


It's the most annoying thing ever.

Why "Edshelweish"? -- it doesn't make any sense.
