Well, I'm in Australia and I bought it last week on DVD, and I gave it four stars.
The movie overall is a very, well done, decent b-grade sword-and-sorcery action movie, with some groansome lines every now and again, but enough dialogue that isn't cheesy to make up for it.
The storyline is decent too, with a tiny bit of a twist in the end, but the ending is what makes this movie truly suck. The great big stand-off against the chief-villain here lasts less than 5 seconds, in which all bad characters are wiped away in a single move. The Chief villain, Shathrax, doesn't really DO ANYTHING AT ALL, and never poses even the slightest hint of a threat. It makes you wonder why seeminly more powerful minions of his are even serving him at all.
I could have dealt with this movie if it was well done all the way through, but the ending is soooooooooo disappointing that it really kills the entire movie. The effects are waaaaaaaaaaay better than the second one though, and there is still the occassional reference to items etc. from the game which the first movie lacked.
Hence why I gave it four stars. Decent b-grade movie, but still needs a lot of improvement get bums on seats in cinemas for something like this (hence why it never went to cinemas).
How are the dragons? Or better yet, are there any in the movie? I mean, do they look like they could actually take flight, or are they more like the ones from the first movie? Those beasts would be flightless if not for the special effects and the wire work. Poor things, stuck with wires on their back when they have real wings. That must've been frustrating. :)
Well, i wasn't expecting something on the LOTR scale, but I just hope it's better than the dragon movies that The Asylum releases. Can you confirm that? That is, if you have see Dragon, Merlin and the War of the Dragons, Dragonquest or Dragon Crusaders. Or even better, how is it when you compare this to Dragonslayer or Dragonheart. Those to are the best when it comes to dragon movies, in my opinion.
And the last thing. I love dragon movies and I am constantly looking for new titles. Do you know of any upcoming titles?
Logan: I don't know. Rogue: You don't know, or you don't care? Logan: Pick one. X-Men
One dragon. It wasn't bad, but definitely was not as good as something with a higher budget like Reign of Fire. It was closer to what you would see in a video game cut scene.
All in all, it was better than the previous two although they did not set the bar high at all. The story was okay until the end, the special effects were about what you would expect from a movie like this, most of the acting was decent enough, the fight choreography was passable, and they made enough D&D references without going overboard with them. I gave it a 5 but that was rounding up a bit.
you're correct. it should have an 0.5 rating, it's *that* bad. and the main villain even survives, pretending to be a hero ... very sad. -- esse quam videri.
Nah, she gradually changed throughout the movie. It started with her honor code, then agreeing to the bargain, and finally saving him at the end. She is just an anti-hero. Plus she was not the main villain.
It tries very hard to use all the elements of D&D and you can tell the scriptwriters and director at least had some idea what D&D is about a lot more so than the previous two films ,some of the elements work some of them dont and it really needed more money for the SFXs though.. ive seen much much worse its certainly a better quality than an Asylum or SYfi channel film i gave it a 5.0 and the ending definately needs chamging but with a little tweaking of the cast script and effects i could see a really good film here
You're right. It doesn't deserve that rating. It deserves a negative rating as it sucks. It is not D&D in any way. The alignments were off, the characters off, etc. The entire movie had nothing to do with D&D except a few concepts. Not a true fan of the stringent rules of D&D, but if you are going to be making a movie of D&D, then get it right, or don't bother at all. This filth belongs in the same dump as the Airbender and DBZ movies.
Don't know WHAT world you are living in man. Every class, monster, item, spell and ability was easily identifiable. The only "fail" as for not being D&D was Shatrath who was SUPPOSED to be an Illithid(mind flayer). This was the MOST faithfully rendered of the D&D titled movies. Now you may be a new wave of D&D gamer who knows little of the games past but even that shouldn't have stopped you from seeing all the references. Ive played since its creation and in every version since then. These classes and abilities were from 3.5 edit. The monsters were from several different supplements to the same edit. I WISH they'd mainline one of these and give a good budget so we could have better script and actors which this lacked mostly but lore/game wise this was well done. One last thing: D&D even says ITSELF in the opening pgs of almost every edits. DMG that the rules are to ASSIST in creating fair gameplay NOT something to be lorded about like law so in saying make a movie that follows the rules is to detract from the games origional intent. Its the SPIRIT of Hero vs Evil, treasure seeking, fantastical creatures and even Dieties that MAKES D&D the highest grossing RPG of ANY kind ever! Even modern MMOs owe their exsistence to D&D. Stop overanalyzing and ENJOY the quest, combat, and ROLEPLAY and let the rulebook go lol.