So, Megan Ellison, who put up all the money for Zero Dark Thirty, is helping to finance this film? If so, money worries are over.
shareSo, Megan Ellison, who put up all the money for Zero Dark Thirty, is helping to finance this film? If so, money worries are over.
shareAnnapurna's info page was updated and they don't have listed The Zookeper's Wife. The same goes on with the Production Companies info in the film's page here.
(But they have Police Academy LOL)
Uh-oh. That's bad.
shareOh, wait. Panorama Media is associated with Annapurna. It was the distributor for Zero Dark Thirty. And Panorama Media is still listed, so not worried yet.
sharePanorama is the sales division of Annapurna
btw, Annapurna only produced and funded ZDT, Sony and Universal were the distributors
Distribution of ZDT was territorial. Scroll down for the full list of distributors.
I think you're correct on all counts, shellymanner.