Airing on Aug 27th, 2011 on SyFy
Killer Mountain will air on the SyFy channel on Saturday, August 27th at 9pm (and again at 1am).
Killer Mountain will air on the SyFy channel on Saturday, August 27th at 9pm (and again at 1am).
looks cheesy
weird that I heard him say "get the FRACK outta here" in the preview shown today on ScyFy.
Absolutely NOT a spin-off of BSG, any more than 40 Days And 40 Nights!!
MAYBE a 'nod' to the old Japanese creature films, (special effects not that different, but does have CGI that's better than OK on a few creature effects), but dark overall, high body count through creature violence, summary executions, fall(s?) off the high mountains, and some scenes with partially eaten 'human remains'. Throw in some explosions, and a guess who survives "lottery", and you have 80% of this movie.
IMHO, the worst part is the extensive use of abrupt jumps from one scene to another. That makes it more of an effort to attempt to follow even some of the action sequences. The 'reveals' of the character's motivations come fairly late in the movie (too late, IMHO), and barely make sense coming so late...
A strong director with slightly better writing could have made this much better.
Maybe this is just a nod to the Roger Corman style of SyFy original movies...