Will the film...

I'm wondering, will the film go into Freddie Mercury's sex life? I hope it doesn't. There's no need to go too much into that. I'm also wondering how much of the movie Mary will be in. She was obviously a big part of his life. I saw her a little in the trailer.


It looks like it will but to what degree we don't know. You can see a scene in the trailer wher it looks like a guy is going in for a kiss in the studio with Freddie.


Yeah, I noticed a part with him and a guy. There's also a brief clip of him holding Mary. I always hated the movie The Doors because all they wanted to focus on was drugs in that movie. You also constantly saw Jim Morrison with a bottle in his hand and Morrison looked like a psycho. When the movie's over you end up not even liking Jim Morrison.


Well...his sexuality was a big part of his story but I think it will be approached tastefully. The vibe I'm getting is a fizzy and fun celebration of him and Queen.



Maybe it'll go into very general detail of his sex life. Being that this movie will be a watered down Hollywussed up PG-13 pile of garbage.


I like the Doors a lot, and obviously Jim was a Big Part of it. But there are a lot of legitimate reasons to not be enamored with J Mo. He was an effed-up alky, and if you listen to his more intense lyrics, who knows what was going on in that mixed-up skull of his? He was a sad person, so if that's what you get from The Doors movie, this doesn't surprise me.


I actually enjoyed The Doors. I thought it gave a good portrayal of Jim.


Would you even have started this thread if he were heterosexual?


Then it would be about all the groupies he banged.


Maybe... but that wasn't the question I asked.
