MovieChat Forums > My Amityville Horror (2012) Discussion > Why I believe at least SOMETHING happene...

Why I believe at least SOMETHING happened to the family....

The picture of the hallway with the kid with completely white eyes standing there staring at the camera. All the people who investigated the house agreed that there were no children and no one else in the house that night, yet the child shows up clear as day in the picture. In the whole documentary that's the one thing that stood out to me. Danny (and the rest of the family) could be embellishing quite a bit what happened in their time there, but that picture, assuming it wasn't doctored at all, is creepy as hell and suggest at least something was going on with that house.



I do tend to think something strange happened in that house. Like i was telling my wife. The Defeo's were all killed in their beds despite being shot with a gun that during police tests would have been heard nearly a block away. The neighbors claim they heard nothing. The Defeo's despite being in different bedrooms didn't even flee their beds during the entire shooting (no drugs found in their systems). Where this ties into the Lutz's is George often mentioned being held down while events like Danny's bed was bouncing up and down the floor above him. To me that is the links. Perhaps the Defeos were also "held" down.

The picture you mentioned is disturbing. I have heard some think it was one of the cameramen just going up the stairs. To me its clearly a little boy, and really does look like the Defeo boy.


A lot of the Defeo murder was blown out of proportion.

First, the shooting happened at around 3 in the morning. So the sound wave would have to travel through the house, through its walls, across the yards, through the walls of other houses, and to the ears of sleeping people to be heard. It's not uncommon for that to be missed.

There's not evidence that the Defeos' did or didn't flee there beds. We know Defeo Sr. was abusive and had threatned the family with the same weapon used in the killing. The parents were shot first. It's not unreasonable that the other children would have hid in their beds hoping everything would go away as it had in the past. It's not unreasonable that maybe they did get up but Ronald Jr. yelled at them to get back in their beds. Again, these violent confrontations were routine in the Defeo home. The only difference being this time shots were fired.


That photo is 100% fake.

It wasn't shown for the first time until 3 years after it was taken... and then it was shown on the Merv Griffin show. That's awfully convenient.

Also, look at the photo carefully, it's available online. The eyes aren't glowing, the person is wearing glasses. You can see the horn rims in the photo. The flash from the camera reflected in the glass lenses. Yet, none of the De Feo children wore glasses.


The picture is of Paul Bartz who was present during the paranormal investigation.
