MovieChat Forums > My Amityville Horror (2012) Discussion > Just another intolerant Jesus freak

Just another intolerant Jesus freak

You can see his true colors exposed when he and the rooster lady got together calling out the film crew for being agnostic in the presence of some crucifix made in China. You literally see the anger boiling up in Daniel who not only spits on the living and dead, but also has a hatred for those who don't worship God. Intolerant *beep* should stick to his *beep* guitar playing.


It pissed me off too. "Speak up now cuz I'm gonna call you out on it!" F-ck you, you prick. Just because you believe you were haunted 30 years ago you think you have the right to act like an ass to a non-believer? Who the *beep* are you?


No kidding! To think one would be so guilable into thinking rooster lady's cross was actually composed of Christ's actual cricifix! Come on man???

Right before the credits roll, that same dude asked Danny if he would submit to a polygraph. Well, once again he was hostile and angry towards the crew because he knows he would have failed miserably.


Well, once again he was hostile and angry towards the crew because he knows he would have failed miserably.

I have always had an open mind regarding 'The Amityville Horror'.

However, Daniel's reaction to the interviewer's question has certainly cast severe doubt over his evidence. Why would a polygraph not be expected in order to validate his story.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


People can learn how to pass a polygraph test. That's why they don't use them in court. If anyone could learn that, Daniel could!



I agree with what you say, there have been several examples of people fooling the polygraph. For me, that is just more condemnation on Daniel's reaction.

You can't palm off a second-rater on me. You gotta remember I was in the pink!


I used to live with a girl that dated a guy just like that-down to the guitar playing style. I agree at he's an intolerant *beep* but he is certainly hiding some serious trauma from somewhere. But he's way too defiant do deal with it, because that's something his particular brand of faux-hardassery doesn't have to deal with.

What a sad way to live, eh?






Interesting you should give a lecture on intolerance and then call people of faith Jesus freaks. Look up the word hypocrite in the dictionary.


Do you stalk every Amityville board to preach the word of god? just asking.


By every, do you mean two? Exaggerate much?

I stated the Amityville house might have been haunted, and that people of faith have a right to their beliefs. Wipe the tears from your face if the big, bad Jesus freaks traumatized you.


what makes you so sure it happened? were you ever there?


I was keeping an open mind right up until that scene. They even ask if there are any non-believers and then have the nerve to get upset when someone admits they are. They're ranting about demanding respect and yet behave like that? Even the reporter who admits she's Catholic tries to calm the situation down. It really irritated me how he and Lorraine behaved.

Saying this guy is disturbed is an understatement. Also, one minute he says he wished reporters would question him as a kid, and then the next he says he wanted to punch media in the collective face for approaching them. He goes back and contradicts things he said earlier. There's obviously something going on with his past that even he can't admit or believe.


It's like death eatin' a cracker.



You sound pretty intolerant, yourself.

Be the type of person you want to meet
