People can't pooh pooh things that aren't known to have happened/exist in the first place. Science would only have explanations for things that are known to exist. This train of thought doesn't make much sense. People "pooh pooh" things that go against the sum total of human knowledge, such as "demons". There's no need to have an explanation for demons, because there is no evidence of demons in the first place.
I don't think many rational people would accept the literal existence of demons, so it's interesting you emphasise this in your post as a way of bolstering your own lack of belief in the paranormal (ie. the very idea of 'demons' is silly, which makes it easier to debunk ALL paranormal theories - guilt by association, as it were).
Meanwhile, everything once attributed to demons has been found to be epilepsy or mental illness. In the entire history of humanity, magical explanations have given way to rational, scientific, materialistic ones... Given those odds, it's quite proper to dismiss claims of the paranormal minus any evidence.
There are - quite literally - BILLIONS of anecdotal stories from all kinds of people, from all walks of life, which have been recorded since the dawn of history. The law of averages suggests there is SOMETHING going on. But if you're suggesting that EVERY SINGLE ONE of those individual experiences are the result of fraud or hallucination, then I think you're blind to reality. Most stories are probably false (for one reason or another). But ALL of them? Come on, now.
Never, not even once, has a materialistic explanation given way to a magical one.
The fact that Science hasn't been able to bottle it up in a manner which will satisfy the most rabid skeptics doesn't mean all paranormal experiences are fake. You make the assertion that Science has dismissed claims of demonology (and, by implication, paranormal phenomena in all its forms). And yet, we both know that Science has NEVER engaged with the subject in any kind of serious manner. Science may have explained away what was once attributed to demons, but it doesn't have an answer for every paranormal experience throughout history.
I tend to think that ghosts and hauntings aren't supernatural at all, simply an aspect of the world around us that we are unable to measure with the tools at our disposal (ie. Science hasn't yet found a way of 'measuring' these events). You don't have to be religious to believe in ghosts and the afterlife, nor do you have to swallow every stupid story that comes down the pike. But to claim that Science is the ONLY yardstick by which to measure this phenomena is both wilful and deceptive, because Science is only concerned with subjects that can be recorded and measured with the instruments at hand. The paranormal, by its very nature, cannot be measured in the same way - and since Science refuses to take the subject seriously, it's unlikely anyone will ever invent a device that CAN measure the paranormal in ways that satisfy both sides of the debate. (3-D Filmography: 1893 - Present Day)