Nice Surprise

I was hesitant to watch this documentary, I saw it on Netflix and although I like the theme of Haunted houses, and especially Amityville, I thought that this was going to be a cheap documentary with silly recreations (I hate recreations) trying to sell what happened in that house.
It was nice to see that this is something completely different, and it focus mostly on the mind of this child (now adult) that got to spend his early years in a supposedly haunted house and became a celebrity for it.
I really liked it, don't know if it has to be with my low expectations for this documentary.


I found the whole documentary great. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. As I said in another post I did not believe what happened to the Lutz family was true. I believed it was a hoax even though I believe in hauntings, ghosts and demons. But after seeing this I believe it. Something bad happened to this man and he is still struggling with what happened in his home. His hate for George surprised me but as another poster said if Amnityvile was a hoax it would have been so easy for this man to expose George as a fraud. It would have been a great revenge and way to prove he was a fake. But, he never did. He agreed with what George has said for years.
