David Spade as Owen....

Most of Owens lines sounded like something a David Spade character would say. Just picture it. I bet DS would´ve killed to play Owen. Soooooooo glad he didn´t, though.


Kinda Spade-like, yes, but even though the lines would fit Spade's shtick, Spade couldn't have played this role with the amount of sheer heart that Sam Rockwell brought to it. Rockwell is a far better actor who can put depth and compassion into even this seemingly glib character.


I agree that he was kinda Spade-like and that Rockwell was the best person for the role -- even though I've been Spade fan for a long time and never knew who Rockwell was until I saw him in this film. Rockwell nailed it.

Mag, Darling, you're being a bore.
