MovieChat Forums > Innocence (2016) Discussion > Innocence is nothing like Twilight (spoi...

Innocence is nothing like Twilight (spoilers)

I just read the novel. There's an adolescent girl and vampires, so it must be like Twilight, according to internet chatter. But it's nothing at all like Twilight.


It's much more like The Moth Diaries and even more so the structure and archetypes of traditional fairy tales like Snow White and modern fairy tales like Coraline. It does not have the recent trope of vampire as boyfriend nor sympathetic antihero but rather the witch archetype recast as a quasi-vampire.


Wasn't familiar with the novel until the release of the film, ergo I cannot at present speak to the former. To your last sentence; yeah, much of it seemed like a melange of The Wicker Man, Gossip Girl, and The Believers.



It's not the best movie I've ever seen. It's not nearly as good as "The Moth Diaries", which was flawed but pretty OK actually, but it's much better than "Twilight", which is well-nigh unwatchable for most adults.

If you think about it, it kind of has the OPPOSITE message of "Twilight": There is a full-proof way to stop a vampire from feasting on virgin blood and it doesn't involve driving the "stake" into the VAMPIRE. It's not a very socially responsible message perhaps, but the truth is sooner or later everyone is going to grow up an get "staked" and maybe just getting it over with is healthier than having some long, drawn-out fairy-tale romance with an "abstinent" vampire.


This reminded me a lot of The Initiation of Sarah with mika boorem. Dunno whether that film was based off a book though.
