MovieChat Forums > Girls (2012) Discussion > Characters are unlikeable because writer...

Characters are unlikeable because writer is unlikeable

Lena injects herself into these obnoxious characters. She thinks narcissism, entitlement are funny because it's how she is. Just caught the HR Roundtable where she likened her mother to the "Jewish Diana Ross " and cracked a few inappropriate jokes about Gina Rodriquez's grandma buying crack with her money and moving to Atlantic city. She embodies all that is disgusting in her community. This is why people hate her and this show. It's a shame. Because some of the writing is brilliant. Her acting is often exceptional. But the problems with Girls are the very things right with it. Lena herself. She is a liability. She needs therapy and the show won't provide ot for her obvious untreated mental illness. Before you condemn me, I'm a woman of color who is not conservative at all. I just don't like Lena's brand of neurosis.

Someone on the writing team should check her otherwise I fear for season 6 being another Hannah obsessed mess.


The show is a disgusting mess, and Dunham isn't nearly as clever and relatable as she thinks she is. And, of course, like always, these comments will be hated saying that "we don't understand the show" and "if we don't like it, don't watch," blah, blah... Bottom line is that the show essentially sets women back a few notches. These are spoiled, entitled brats. While I have quit watching the show, I cannot wait for it to be canceled, so that it is no longer a news-piece.



Bottom line is that the show essentially sets women back a few notches.

No show is responsible for setting anybody or anything back a few notches. That's way too much significence to hang on to one show.


She thinks narcissism, entitlement are funny because it's how she is.

Isn't it better to make fun of entitlement and narcissism and have some self-awareness rather than to be a Paris Hilton type and be totally shameless and flaunting of it. I really don't understand why this is a horrible thing to poke fun at.


But Lena is such an activist. If you want people to take your feminist and Black Lives Matters claims seriously, you need to develop an ethos, and show that you're a kind person yourself who wants to help others and not just moan and complain all the time. If Lena is anything like her character, I wouldn't listen to her opinion on anything.


After listening to several interviews with her, including her WTF episode with Marc Maron, it's clear that Lena is a very personable individual. Based on what I've heard, the people who work with her like her.

Lena isn't her character on the show, that's apparent anytime you listen to her talk about the show and Hannah. I don't know why people don't recognize more that Judd Apatow produces this, it's a comedy. Apatow has a lot to do with Lena's character's buffoonishness. His influence on this show shouldn't be underestimated. Also, if people are too boneheaded to pick up what good Lena does (through the Lenny newsletter, her podcast, raising awareness through social media and subjecting herself to all kids of vitriol) that's not her problem.


I hear ya, but do (some) people like this show because it pokes fun at entitlement or because they IDENTIFY with the characters' whiny entitlement?


No it's not better, quite the opposite actually.

At least with Paris Hilton it's pretty clear for most people she is a fake, a characature, she plays a part.


If their weren't a thousand think pieces about the show and Lena wasn't a hated celeb personality no one would be criticizing the show for unlikeable charecters. The charecters from Seinfeld,How I Met Your Mother,It's Always Sunny etc are all total ahole's you would never want as your own friends but no one criticizes those shows even 1/10th as much as people critcize this.


That's a very fair point, Nathan.


Yeah, I've read Lena's book. Hannah is supposed to be based off of Lena. Remember, Lena is the creator and the head writer.


Wha? How are the characters in How I Met Your Mother "total ahole's"? Most of them are downright fluffy. Pretty broad brush there. Seinfeld is a perfect comparison of course.


I agree LD has a lot of issues and doesn't seem like a very empathetic person. She obviously considers herself a feminist but she doesn't represent any brand of feminism that I want to be a part of. Having said that, I think it's a bit out of line to accuse a complete stranger of having a mental illness. I think we should criticize her work and views, but not resort to personal attacks. All the people saying she's hideously ugly, that she looks like she smells, that she has "mental problems" etc really need to take a look at themselves before criticizing her IMO.


Here's the thing, she clearly has social anxiety, because she has verbal diarrhea and just spews out whatever she thinks is funny or whatever she can think of to fill empty spaces and it gets her into trouble. A lot. And then when she gets nervous and overshares personal stuff in inappropriate venues.

Remember when she randomly told the world she had reproductive problems and was a sexual assault survivor onstage at the DNC while standing next to the impressive America Ferrara who was speaking about relevant topics like immigration and the American Dream? Like, those would have been fine topics to discuss if they were actually discussing those issues, but they weren't? She just felt like getting some attention, wanted to slip it in there for no apparent reason.

Obviously, she's not exactly like Hannah, but it's disingenuous for people to claim she's nothing like Hannah. Her sense of humor and voice comes through in the character. And Hannah does this exact same thing!

And let me tell you, that 'apology' Lena gave that man after tweeting that he wouldn't talk to her at the Met ball (bc she assumed he thought she was fat and ugly) gave me so much second hand embarrassment that it was almost WORSE than her unintentionally racist, objectifying tweeting to begin with. An apology stops being about the other person after the first two sentences, and once she started to go into her whole childhood struggle with her self-esteem and then began talking about the 'white gaze' entitlement to 'black male bodies' I felt like sweeping her off the stage like at the Apollo.

THIS is why people can't stand Hannah or Lena. She makes things about herself that should be about other people. Remember when Hannah's editor died and she spend the whole time thinking of herself instead of mourning him?



Very good post.


I don't pay much attention at all to Lena Dunham, but based on what I get wind of from time to time I don't care for her public persona (I have no idea about what kind of person she is in her personal life). I certainly don't hate her though, and I continue to like the show. In any case, here's no show that is universally loved/liked, so that some people hate it doesn't mean much to me.

As for unlikability, I like compelling characters. Likability for me has nothing to do with whether or not I would a character personable in real life. I didn't care much for Hannah in the last season, since although she has never been mature, she was just too childish this time around.


I kinda feel like the characters are unlikable because most people are unlikable if you compare them to other characters we see regularly on TV.
