Marnie and Desi

So obviously from the trailer, they're sleeping together again (behind Ray's back). I just hope this storyline doesn't go on all season. Desi is truly the worst, and while Marnie certainly has her flaws, I've always rooted for her to get her *beep* together and enjoyed watching her along the way. She really started to turn it around with The Panic In Central Park, a fantastic episode. I just hope we get to see more of that this season and the Desi BS is dispensed with quickly.


nooooooooooo! Desi is the best! so hilarious!


Ugh, was hoping Marnie would grow up. Desi us a manchild who deserves to go down in flames. Poor Ray...

"Only a man who's been burned knows what hell is truly like."


"Poor" Ray will find love again with Shoshana.


I'm hoping Shoshana and Ray are endgame this season. They're really good for each other.


I hope so. The two are the only relatively nice people on the show.

When Marnie brought over the Starbucks cups, notice she bought only two cups -- one for her and one for Ray. What about Shoshana? Why not bring one for her? Also, shouldn't she have known that Ray didn't approve of coffee from "multinational conglomerates." It just shows how insensitive Marnie was not to have remembered that about Ray. But then Marnie only thinks about herself and her own needs.

Shoshana and Ray are the only two on the show who offer genuine concern and help for their friends.

Never say never...


That's impossible... you cannot think of only yourself while spending 5 dollars buying someone else coffee. Plus... it's nearly impossible to only think about yourself 100% of the time. So she forgot he's a snowflake gen and bought him Starbucks... get over yourself Ray... Quit being so annoying and be glad she even looks at you... she's out of his league anyhow.


totally. shes more on par within the leagues of shallow,ego-centric douchebags with weak intellect.


Until she finds a sweet and down to earth guy. Which Ray isn't. Still waiting for him and shosh to reunite...


she will never find that type of guy because she only uses men to validate her "greatness". Its why she has such a strong bond with Desi...he feeds her narcissism and eases her self doubt... This also serves as the explanation of what attracts her to Ray...she feels like an intellectual inferior to him and it makes her feel good to win the "smart guy". Like perhaps she actually has depth and dimension like a normal human being. She's just using him as a self-confidence boost. She knows that Ray thinks shes a vapid shallow plastic Stepford wife type so it builds her up that hes into her.

In some ways Marnie is my favorite character because she is so disillusioned. I love her and hate her at the same time. I loathe people like her in real life but at the same time they fascinate me because their train of thinking seems so foreign to me. Thats why Marnie and Desi are perfect for each other....their symbiotic relationship is self-serving to the both of them. I actually hope Ray gets hurt in this process because he needs to be reminded that girls like Marnie just use guys as virtual pawns in their quest to express to the world how "amazing" they are.


Nice try Lena. But Marnie is the less narcissistic girl on "Girls". Her narcissism comes from her taste for beauty. And she only wants a guy responding to her expectations, in that matter. What's wrong with that? If they can't, it's just that they aren't made for her. That's all. The fact that she slept with Desi, was just out of cowardness, to know things might not work out, between her and Ray. She's the kind of girl, who needs to have back up plans. In case things don't go her way. But it's just her complex character talking. Not her need for self validation. She doesn't seduces to flatter her ego. She seduces to have someone to lean on. She's selfish and immature. But who isn't, at that age?



They are a terrible couple but they do make for entertaining television 😅


I love Marnie and Ray together; I really hope Marnie does not cheat on Ray with Desi. Eww!!


Marnie started out as the annoying perfect friend who mothers everyone. Now, she's just the annoying pathetic loser friend.
