MovieChat Forums > Shame Discussion > Why is the movie not categorized into th...

Why is the movie not categorized into the Porno Genre??

Well except for the key charachters of the movie Fassbender and Mulligan not having a mutual sex scene (at one point when Carey finds Michael masturbating, he comes wraped in towel and jumps over on her, and the scene might even suggest that he was trying to finish off his unfinished business), the movie was filled up with all charachters having sex, or getting sexual. The production failed to do justice either to the title or to the golden globe nomination. What could have been a highly acclaimed artistic success ended up to be a high class porn shoot.


If anything, the movie is anti-porn. It shows what pornography can lead to, and it shows this in a very frank and real way. It is not pornographic, meaning its purpose is not to sexually arouse. It potrayal of sex is intentionally uncomfortable and challenging.

My short films:


Exactly! If anything, porn is people having sex and enjoying it, and making the viewer feel pleasure. This film portrays sex as an addiction, and it's uncomfortable and even painful to watch at times. It's sad, people. I mean, seriously, not even watching Fassbender, who is a very handsome man, is enjoyable, because the character himself is not enjoying it either.

"You should never underestimate the predictability of stupidity." Bullet Tooth Tony


But I was sexually aroused during all sex scenes, is there something wrong wit me :(


No, because while this film isn't a porno (pornography is designed primarily to arouse, whereas the primary function of this film was a depiction of loneliness), it nevertheless contains graphic scenes of sex, which humans respond to.

Me and my girlfriend watched this film together, and we both agree that you can find the film sexy and still connect with what the film is trying to say r.e sex being a vice.

I found it very hot, in places, mainly the scene where he takes his colleague bac to his apartment; that whole scene was shot very realistically. But mainly I find it heartbreaking, especially in the final scenes.

Also this is a small theory, but I do think people feel compelled to say "oh no, the film isn't sexy at all", because there's this sort of stigma that finding the film sexy diminishes the films worth. I can't think why that is, but it's my theory, and the film is hardly ugly in its portrayal of human sexuality (unlike Trier's Nymphomaniac, which is a beautiful film showing sex in an ugly way).


What would you do if I died today?

I'd die tomorrow.


Right, I agree. The hotel scene with Marianne and the last bar scene is really hot and tragic. But I don't think it takes anything away from the film. We're humans. It's natural to react to seeing sex. That's what makes his situation so tragic. He doesn't enjoy what he should enjoy.

Erik Lehnsherr: You want society to accept you, but you can't even accept yourself.


Exactly. It's what Roger Ebert would call "pornographic in form, but not in result".


Exactly. It's what Roger Ebert would call "pornographic in form, but not in result".



Well said, DeclanCochran.
Vala Morghulis


this is a softcore porno


Seriously, you guys don't see how this is, if anything, anti-porn? Or rather its goal is to show how pornography and a sex addiction can negatively affect your life?

It's the same thing as an anti war film - I know it's hard to believe, but they just may end up showing a few scenes of war, and often they are very violent. Or a film about a drug or alcohol addiction just may end up showing some drug use and heavy drinking (oh, they shouldn't show that! - are they advocating drug use/heavy drinking?). In the same regard, a movie about a sex addiction just may need to show some scenes of graphic sex to drive home what the main character subjects himself to and how it affects him and the people around him.

My short films:


Except people like sex in a way that is incomparable to war and drugs (at least if they've never used drugs). Sex is a universal pleasure and a very visual one at that. So although possible, it seems difficult and somewhat contradictory to tell me sex addiction/pornography is bad while indulging my innate desire for it.


totally agree


If someone says to me "American History X seems like a white power recruitment film" or "Trainspotting promotes heroin use" I would think that they are interested in being a white supremacist or heroin addict. Calling Shame a porno would make me think that person is turned on by tormented, disconnected men who are psychologically damaged and self destructive.

But since that obviously wasn't the intention of the film, I don't think this is a porno. Although it was really hot when he was crying during orgasm. Oh and how about that suicide scene in the bathroom? That was pretty hot too. And don't get me started on the scene where he couldn't get it up. How sexy is that!? I've definitely seen all those things in porn before. On second thought I think it's true, this IS a porno.


This was SAD movie. Brandon wasn't having sex because he wanted to, he was having sex because he HAD to. Nothing pornographic about this movie at all. About desparate people going throug the motions.


BS. Because he "had" to? That's pretty convenient. Sex Addiction is the one of the more banal inventions of the western society. Everyone basically by definition can lay a claim to it, no pun intended.


By that logic no one can be addicted to anything because anyone can claim to be addicted to anything.

Look how dumb you are.


The caveat being that the behave as though they are addicted and don't stop themselves, as in you're addicted because that is your behavior. Or rather the assumption is they could stop themselves but apparently sex addicts are as compulsive as any other addict.


That's *beep* Anything can be addictive, sex is one of the more powerful ones. He didn't have to, but drug and alcohol and gambling addicts don't have to indulge in their addictions either. It might not be a mental disorder but it can be a very hard and humiliating experience. I know. It often comes from people trying to fill a void inside them, like how people might use alcohol or drugs. The brief moment of satisfaction when you get your fix becomes addictive, and you use it as a way to escape pain. But that never ends well.
An addiction isn't just wanting sex. Otherwise everyone is addicted to food. With how great sex is, especially with someone you are crazy for, do you know how painful it is to grow to hate your impulses? To hate the very act?
It can't be used as an excuse, like all the cheating celebrities do, but it is real and is a struggle for many people.


This was a SAD movie. Brandon wasn't having sex because he wanted to, he was having sex because he HAD to. Nothing pornographic about this movie at all. About desparate people going through the motions.



I think we can all agree that any depiction or indeed mention at all of sex automatically makes anything porn.

Therefore, this thread is porn.


I don't know if this movie really deglamorized sex addiction and I wouldn't say it is not at all erotic, but people need to quit calling everything with sex in it "porn". I've seen porn--and I'd say I'm even somewhat of an expert on softcore porn--and this simply is not porn. I could explain why as easily as I could explain why it's not an animated children's movie, but I'm not going to bother because I don't really like the movie that much. It's not porn though--leave it at that.


Because the people that support either don't want to or are incapable of seeing this film objectively .They lack the ability to see the truth of the situation i always wondered how these movies could fly under the radar but .Porno movies like this are put in their separate category.There should be no difference between the two why can't we just call these people porn actors ?.
Some people would say that its not pornography not all porn is glammed up overstylized .There are different genres of pornography the sex scenes can be found on porn sites .From a business stand point i don't see how its a bad thing they could of marketed it as a porno.It probably would of got them awards for sure at the AVN awards ,that should count for something .

Only when society changes will the culture change "


Porn is meant to titillate. This was not meant to titillate. That some people were titillated while watching this is another business, titillation was not its selling point, neither explicitly nor implicitly. Its selling point was a psychological affliction and its effect on the life of the main character, who has a pretty miserable life. Sex was not even the focus of the movie, anymore than drugs are the focus of a movie about drug addiction (in both cases, the focus are the afflicted individuals).

there's a highway that is curling up like smoke above her shoulder


ROFLOL at "trying to finish off his unfinished business"!

Your mind makes it real.

