Good film but...

There are some scenes that should of been deleted like the Luis Guzman scene as the gay motorcycle cop and the kisains scne with will poulter and Jennifer aniston with Emma Roberts as it they were both uncomfortable scenes to watch. The weed baby could of been done better too. I like the scene with David and Kenny talking about girls at the campsite which shows a bit of heart in the film. The film verges on sleaziness when I think it should focus on people who are looking for love in another way in my opinion.....


I meant the kissing scene with will, Jennifer and Emma... Damn auto correct


I meant the kissing scene with will, Jennifer and Emma... Damn auto correct

That scene gave me a boner... 

Join our forum now! 


Stupid complaints lol those scenes were funny. If you ask me, they should have removed the scene with Kenny's balls and dick out after spider bit his balls.


No doubt...great scenes!! If it feels weird to someone, it's because that person is weird.


It was rated "R" for a reason, but I agree that some scenes were lame or forced. There were a couple deleted scenes that were actually funnier than their counterparts.

For what it's worth...I think you meant "should've" (should have) and "could've" (could have) instead of using "should of" and "could of". While phonetically similar, it makes for an awkward read since it technically makes no sense. 

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


Yeah i also think the gay cop scene should of been deleted. We did not need to see that.


So it's you that decides what WE need to see and not see?


"Should have", there is no such thing as "should of". You're welcome!


Don't go to an R rated movie then bitch about the parts that make it R rated.


"Should have" and "could have", there is no such thing as "should of" or "could of". You're welcome!
