MovieChat Forums > A Christmas Story Christmas (2022) Discussion > On a scale of 0-10 how did you like this...

On a scale of 0-10 how did you like this movie?

Me I give it a 6/10, there were some scenes that made me cringe but it was nice revisiting your favorite characters from the original.




I’d give it a 6 or 6.5. I really wanted to like this more and while it did have some charm — it relied entirely too much on “member berries” from the first film. They literally copied the same plot devices from the first movie. I liked seeing the old characters back though . I’d say about half of the ‘jokes’ just did not land well at all and I felt cringe during a few

Btw what was up with the “former quarterback” character? He was not needed at all in this film and I don’t know why he was there - his character wasn’t interesting or funny at all


I love the original which came out when I was a kid. This one, not so much. I would give it a 4/10


I love the original - it’s sad that they just cannot make a truly great and memorable Christmas movie these days. It’s like they can’t think of any new ideas


Even though it also borrowed heavily from A Christmas Story, I enjoyed 8-Bit Christmas when it came out last year. I wouldn't call it "truly great," but I enjoyed it.

Same goes for Daddy's Home 2 a few years back.

I would agree that it's been a while since we last got a true CLASSIC. Probably the last Christmas movie that I think fit that bill was Elf, and that was nearly 20 years ago now.


8 bit Christmas felt very similar to this movie as it had enough charm to make it enjoyable yet at the same time fell a bit short. I almost turned 8-bit Christmas off a few times - it wasn’t bad by any means but didn’t really draw me in either

In all fairness, writing a Christmas movie in 2022 is difficult. What ideas or tropes have we not seen already many times over? There’s only so many plot devices you can write around this holiday imo


I was disappointed with 8-Bit Christmas the first time I watched it. I was hoping for more, and I think that with better writers the concept could've been improved upon. For one thing, the dad is too unlikable for most of the movie and that blunts the emotional impact of the ending. For another, I think the film could've sold the wonder of the NES a little better. I was growing up around the time the NES was released and kids were definitely salivating over that thing, but I feel like the film didn't do a great job of conveying WHY it seemed so awesome.

All that said, I went back and watched the film again a week or two after the first viewing, and I enjoyed it more the second time around. I feel like on second viewings you're often able to put your feelings and expectations aside and just approach the film on its own terms. In fact, I enjoyed it enough the second time that last night I went looking for the Blu-Ray. Weirdly, it seems it was never released on Blu-Ray but only on DVD (?!). So I bought the DVD.

As for new Christmas movies, I think that you can rehash old ideas as long as you do it skillfully and cleverly and do it with great craft. Maybe one reason that I think Elf is such a great film though--our last GREAT Christmas movie--is because it really did feel fresh and felt like something different. It was a new idea, even though it borrowed from other properties (the old Rankin Bass claymation specials) and from familiar tropes (Santa needing Christmas spirit to power his sleigh).

Other Christmas movies that I've enjoyed since Elf include Four Christmases, A Christmas Carol (2009), and the aforementioned Daddy's Home 2. And while it's not really a "Christmas movie" in the traditional sense, I also liked The Man Who Invented Christmas.


I gave it a 7/10. I did not go into this expecting anything else than watching Peter Billingsley daydream and get to see some of the original cast. Some of those guys I am pretty sure barely acted before or after A Christmas Story, so it was cool to see them again, and I am sure they all got a kick out of it. Also, so glad they did not try to focus the movie on his kids to set up some new generation of Christmas Story movies.


8/10, whereas the original is a 10. I really enjoyed this. It just didn’t have as many laughs but it had a lot of heart.


I didn't care much for it.....maybe a 3 or 4.


I watched it last night, and honestly I am a little disappointed with it. I would ultimately have to slot it into the category of "not bad" or "okay," which is somewhere below "pretty good."

I felt like the movie was uneven. There would be some scenes that were good and that I was into, and then others that felt like they just didn't quite work for a reason that I was not able to figure out. It was as if there were good ideas and a good concept here, but the writer(s) and director were not good enough to properly realize them.

It also felt a little too much like a made-for-TV movie. I think it could've benefited from being shot on film. Even though the movie is set in the 70s, I never really believed that I was transported back to that era. Instead if just felt like a bunch of actors cosplaying with some period clothes and props.

I guess the tone of this post so far is pretty negative. However, there were some good creative ideas here, and I appreciated the attempt to recreate certain familiar storytelling devices from the first film (narration in the same style, for instance, and Ralphie's imaginings portrayed in ridiculous skits). The actors also do well enough, and it was nice that they brought back so many of the original players. And very importantly, and what a relief it is: There is no woke shit! There is not even a hint of modern agenda here. It's an old fashioned kind of story largely told in an old fashioned kind of way.

But despite whatever strengths the film has, I have to sadly concede that it committed the ultimate movie sin: For much of the way through, it bored me. And that's the one thing that a movie should not do.

Overall it's a 6.5/10.


10 we all loved it so much
