Truely's speech

I think Truely needs a speech therapist.


Maybe Tony, too.


I just heard him for the first time before the commercial - OMG. 😂


He sounds like he might be hearing impaired? I'm not sure.

The only thing constant in life is change


He did have a strange speech pattern. Someone else said something about a hearing impairment and that's kind of what it sounded like.


When the show premiered Christine was pregnant with her, right? So that would make her about 6. I'm sure she could still grow out of it.


I think she was born in 2009, right? So that would make her 7 at the time of this episode. Her speech is wobbly but that isn't uncommon at her age. I see it all of the time. Where are her eyebrows though? Sorry but that was so distracting


LOL! As a blonde person, our eyebrows and eyelashes don't show. People in my life tease me about that all the time, and when I put on eye makeup and colour in my brows, people are blown away at how different I look.


I'm blonde too and what aggravates me is the rest of my family are blonde but they have darker eyebrows. I'm the only one who has light eyebrows and eyelashes. I never go out without coloring my eyebrows and mascara. 


I don't know if you watched the latest American Horror Story season - Hotel. LADY Gaga has platinum blonde hair and her eyebrows are done the same way.
Since I have platinum eyebrows I pick up on this stuff and I've been noticing this look alot in the media/fashion in the last year.
I think the reason might be that if you can't see someone's eyebrows, it's harder to read their face/expression. That's just my guess as to why it is suddenly popular. I've decided to go with it - I just use mascara and leave my eyebrows invisible.
I guess it's the opposite of the Hombre look where they over colour their eyebrows to the point where they look like huge black caterpillars painted right on their skin. I hate that style and hope it disappears soon LOL.


Not a fan of the caterpillar 🐛 eyebrow, but there are times I wish I could use tweezers every once in awhile.


Why can't you use tweezers?


I don't have enough eyebrow to tweeze. I value every little hair I have. 


I think she was born in 2009, right?

Truely was born - April 13, 2010 (age 6)

The truth of life has been revealed.


I've noticed that Sol and Brianna have a similair way of speaking like Truely does. It seems like they all need speech therapy.


"I've noticed that Sol and Brianna have a similair way of speaking like Truely does. It seems like they all need speech therapy."

Makes sense. All of the moms give the kids sippy cups until they are 9 to keep spills off of the carpet. A cup of juice crammed between the teeth all day will surely mess up the speech.


And the teeth. Why do people still persist in giving juice (sugar) in a bottle or sippy cup when it messes up speech and gives bottle rot??? Dumb.


I'm not sure how old she is, but if she's under 8 it would be considered developmental. The only sound I heard in error was the /r/. It's something to monitor but not worry again as long as she's under 8.


I don't think Truely sounds like she needs any sort of speech therapy. Tony, on the other hand...


She does need speech therapy. Rhoaticism is not terribly difficult to remedy in kids, but if not addressed can be embarrassing as an adult. They can give her mouth exercises and tongue twisters to practice at home.


She's in school now and I would think with the prevalence of bullies at a young age, she might already be getting teased.
