
Some of the regular posters seem to know a lot about this woman, including her name. What I am wondering is, hasn't she committed a crime or crimes and why haven't charges been filed? She sounds like she has a mental illness or a personality disorder and is dangerous. Does she meet the legal definition of a stalker? She has made threats to Meri to expose certain things. Isn't that blackmail? I am not an attorney.


Her name is Jackie Overton and she lives in northern Oklahoma. The things she does might have some criminal element to them, but most of what she does would fall under civil law. She would have to scam someone who is really rich and determined to get her. She actually made a comment about the Browns suing her and they could have sued her for libel, but it would have been expensive and I think they did something better. They called her out on the show and increased their ratings and made money off of her catfishing, instead of paying a lawyer. People like Jackie Overton prey on people who are marginalized and don't really know what to do to retaliate. Plus she's evil, crazy and smart and it's hard to fight back against that.
