MovieChat Forums > Sister Wives (2010) Discussion > So only Kody & Christine have a physical...

So only Kody & Christine have a physical relationship?

Meri and Janelle have both said it's "not a priority" and for some reason, Robyn also seems to not "care" about it anymore, but Christine and Kody are clearly very much still "into" one another.

Interesting to see how it's all been revealed.


I'm like 99% sure it's already been revealed that Robyn is the only wife he sleeps with anymore.


I'm like 99% sure it's already been revealed that Robyn is the only wife he sleeps with anymore. It's also quite obvious because she's the only one who has gotten pregnant since the show premiered (Christine was pregnant before it aired). We all know they don't use contraceptives.


I'm like 99% sure it's already been revealed that Robyn is the only wife he sleeps with anymore. It's also quite obvious because she's the only one who has gotten pregnant since the show premiered (Christine was pregnant before it aired). We all know they don't use contraceptives.

I don't know that they don't use contraceptives. How do you know that?


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure It's against their religion.


No, it's not. Kodi has said that the wives use birth control at certain times.


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure It's against their religion.

Ummmmmm (my pause word), that all depends upon what religion you are talking about. Even in their root religion, the AUB, women and men practice birth control. As far as the Browns are concerned, we are talking about the Church of Kody, so I am sure that it is even more acceptable within his Church.

Somehow people that adhere to Mormon theology have been linked to the Catholic Church, which doesn't condone any birth control (except the rhythm method), because members of both religions had larger than usual families. There is nothing in the teachings of the Mormon faiths that prevents someone from practicing or using birth control.

Unless I misunderstood something that was said in the first season when Christine gave birth to Truely, she had her tubes tied because of the difficult pregnancy and delivery that she had.

So if Kody wants to rock his socks off, he should be having fun with Christine; the wife that is safe and is looking and acting pretty 'hot' these days.

Christine is reminding me of her old self that those of us in Utah were first introduced to, when she appeared on polygamy panel discussions (long before the show first started).


Oh wow. Where did I hear that then lol. Thanks for the info :)


I was raised in the mainstream LDS/Mormon faith. The Pill has been around since 1960 as an FDA approved method of birth control. I know during the 60's and 70's my mother was on the pill. I also know she had a diaphragm (hey what inquisitive kid didn't search through their parent's drawers when they could?). I don't think my mother was that different than a lot of Mormon women that didn't want big families or wanted to space out their kids.

Granted back then the AUB that I grew up with had a lot of large families, but now I see them spacing out their kids and having fewer children. I doubt they are giving up sex, especially since their husbands haven't added new wives. They have to have been using birth control here and there.


Meri & Janelle said sex wasn't a priority? I missed that part. I'm going to go out on a limb and say he and Meri are not that affectionate right now and maybe after Janelle gained all that weight back, she's not feeling it, but she was when she lost all that weight. I remember what she looked like when they went out for their anniversary. She was sizzlin'. So that leaves Robyn and Christine. Robyn is probably exhausted, but I think she and Christine are still getting goosed. 


I don't think Janelle' weight bothers her or Kody like it does many of us... So, I'm betting they are occasionally intimate. As far as Christine goes, she seems downright desperate for Kody's attention, and he has made comments that indicate he is not super attracted to Christine, so I think their marital bed is used more for sleeping than too much else..... Who knows though!


I think Kody likes big women. However, the reason I made the comment about Janelle is because 2 years ago when she lost all that weight, Kody took her out for their anniversary and she got all dolled up in a low cut outfit and she looked awesome. They just had their anniversary again and he took her to the gun show. Also in the repeat shows, they had one couch scene where Kody brought up Janelle's weight loss in a positive way. So I think her weight does affect her. It will be really sad if her new endeavor doesn't affect her in a positive way.


One thing that hasn't been mentioned with regards to newborns or the lack thereof ... as women get older, it is generally harder to get pregnant. So, we can't assume that birth control and lack of intimacy are the only powers at play here.

Meri wanted more children for years, but it was not meant to be. Maybe Janelle and Christine have reached that same juncture in their lives.


We can all be quiet heroes living quiet days
Walking through the world changing it in quiet ways


I don't remember it being spelled out, but it was clear to me when the show started Janelle's family was complete and Christine said Truly was her last.


Also, I seem to remember Kody saying each wife would make the decision on how many kids she & he would have as an individual couple.


I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that Christine implied she had her tubes tied when Truely was born.


She didn't have Truely in a hospital, did she? Wasn't it just a birthing center? Plus she didn't have a doctor attending her and I'm pretty sure that is something a doctor has to perform. Maybe she had it done at some other time, but I don't remember her ever saying she had her tubes tied, but of course that means nothing. 


She had Truely in a hospital, that was part of the episode. It was the first Brown child born in a hospital. The birth was at Utah Valley Hospital in Orem, I recognized the building from the outside.


They never said, but where she was looked like a birthing center. Duh She was having a baby. But when did she say she had her tubes tied??


That is not what a birthing center delivery rooom looks like, that was a regular old hospital room. It was around that period of time when she gave birth to Truely she said something that sounded like while she was in the hospital she had her tubes tied.

I don't know, if it bothers you so much, go back and watch the episode.


I looked at photos of birthing center rooms and they're all different. Some of them look like someone's bedroom and some of them look like the room Christine had, but a little homier. I thought the room Christine had was nice - it was big and cheery. Christine not only had a doctor deliver Truely but she had an epidural and she couldn't stop talking about how great it was. There was no talk about her getting her tubes tied. I knew you didn't have a clue what you were talking about. However, it was nice to see that episode again.


Thank you for watching the episode again. Like I said I wasn't sure but I was under the impression that Christine had said something that led me to believe that she had her tubes tied.

Considering she and Janelle have both stated they are through having babies, it is the easiest solution.


You said you were pretty sure that was talked about or done. For monogamists, it's easier for a man to have a vasectomy which Kody should have now since he stated he won't have any more children.


I think it was later on that Christine revealed she had her tubes tied and said it was because Truley's delivery had been difficult and further pregnancies would be high risk. At that time Kody still wanted more children so a vasectomy was not an option. In fact, I don't see Kody ever having one- just in case.....


Thank you Julie, I was starting to doubt my memory. I thought it was during the birthing episode, but it could have been in any episode. But I was pretty sure she had implied directly or indirectly she had her tubes tied.

I agree that a vasectomy is much easier, but not to practical for a man like Kody, whom may have decided he doesn't need more wives, but he definitely will be wanting more children as long as the brood mare is still fertile.

Speaking of vasectomy, it always reminds me of my favorite Gary Larson cartoon:


It was not during the birthing episode.


Julie, what episode and/or season was that? I don't see Kody having a vasectomy ever just because he's Kody, not because he's thinking about a new wife.


Heaven forbid God's Gift would ever let a surgeon near the family jewels, more wives or not.


I can't remember why I think so, but something really gave me the impression that Christine had had her tubes tied.


That's what everyone is saying. Do you remember when they talked about that? I am curious how that was brought up and presented? Did Christine say that on the couch or was she having a conversation with a sister wife where she said, oh yeah, remember when I had my tubes tied? 


I'm sorry, but I can't remember any specifics. It's just something that I feel like I knew, as if I just assumed "Oh, yes, I know Christine has had her tubes tied because ...." Unfortunately, I don't know what the because ... is (if that makes sense). If it was a specific thing, it was probably in the early seasons, because I'd remember a detail like that if it was recent, even though I now only half watch the show.

However. even half watched, something as interesting as that, I'd remember the context if I'd heard it recently.


Yes, I agree - it had to be in the earlier years of the show. However, it wasn't the episode where she had Truely. In fact, after Christine said how much she loved the epidural, the doctor said, well now you know what to look forward to the next time. Christine looked lovingly at Kody. So it doesn't seem she had her tubes tied when she gave birth to Truely.


I can't help you with specific details, I'm afraid.

Maybe I read it somewhere. It's just something that I know I "knew" just like everyone "knew" from the early 70s that Rock Hudson was gay, long before he came out in public.


Maybe it was in the book! I will look. It wasn't in the book. It could be anywhere in the show. 


At a hospital near where I used to live, the birthing center was a building attached to the hospital.

So Christine could have given birth one day, and gotten wheeled over to the hospital the next day and had her tubes tied.

Gee Woodle, Space Kadoodle!


She gave birth in a hospital so there's no question she could have had that done at the same time. I'm just interested where she talked about it on the show.


I don't believe they ever said that. They have said from day one they would never talk about their sex lives. And actually they haven't. About all they have said is that Kody rotates each night between the four.


We DO know that he stopped going to Meri's house quite a while ago, they have talked about that.


We have no clue as to what goes on when the cameras aren't rolling and/or what the producers cook up for a story. While there are most definitely issues with Meri and Kody, I don't know that I'm totally convinced about Meri supposedly telling Kody not to come to her house.


Plus if she did, for whatever reason, that's probably not the case anymore.


I would guess that all wives except Meri have "relations" with Kody, and that is probably relatively recent. At least since she asked him to stay away from her because of the catfishing incident.


Yes, Meri told Kody to stay away.........but that isn't going on now.
