MovieChat Forums > Sister Wives (2010) Discussion > Kody and the burning bridge question

Kody and the burning bridge question

If that didn't speak volumes I don't know what does.

The way he tried to dance around that was cringe worthy. How awful for a wife to have to hear that your husband can't say yes or no to that.

If you're married and your husband says anything other than an immediate yes....goodness.


So you don't buy that he didn't understand the question?


Lol not even a little. :)


Maybe not that he consciencly knew of! Haha


That was PAINFUL trying to get him to say he would rescue Meri. You could just see Meri trying desperately not to cry. Hard not to feel bad for her even though she brought it on herself.


My poor husband watched this with me. When he heard the question, he said "well, if she's on the other side of the burning bridge, then she's safe". We both think Kody meant he wasn't going to suffer for Meri, but yes, he'd rescue her if she was in trouble.

My husband and I really hate these stupid emotional tests of love that some women engage in. If there is only one correct answer, then the answer won't always be sincere. Kody was trying to answer the question honestly, which involves feelings he hasn't sorted out. Meri just wanted a quick "oh my god, I'd die trying to save you my one and only perfect woman", even though it isn't how he feels. Meri seems like she needs to hear declarations of love, from Kody and her daughter. As Kody said, when Mariah doesn't talk to her mom, Meri dies. Maybe people are tired of constantly propping Meri up emotionally.


Maybe she should have asked if he'd save Meri if Meri was trapped in a burning building, or in the middle of a burning bridge. If she's on the other side of a burning bridge, then presumably she's safe.


I pretty much agree with everything you've said. My husband and I also hate those emotional tests. They are always loaded questions and unless the person answers quickly and with the exact answer the other one wants to hear, they are screwed.

As the other wives said, if anyone was in a life-threatening situation, Kody would try to save them. Most people would try to do something, at least. I don't need my husband to claim he would risk his own hide to save mine - I'm not that insecure, and no one knows exactly how they would react in that type of situation. The instinct for self-preservation is a pretty strong one, lol!

"Two gin and Frescas"
"Shaken, not ridiculed"


Ask yourself this : if Kody had been asked if he would save Robyn from a burning bridge, what would his answer have been??!
Of course he knew what it meant and he could not, would not, give Meri that one kindness.
