Brother Husbands?

Did anyone catch the quick announcement? There's a show on TLC next Sunday called Brother Husbands. I scheduled it to record on my DVR but I can't find anything about it online. Has anyone heard about this show?


It sounds like a joke, but it's on my menu too but nothing on the TLC website. 


Ya the only thing I can find online are stupid parodies, but it's definitely on TLC next Sunday. We shall see lol.


I saw it on the TV listings for TLC. While I can believe such a family exists, I wonder if they actually use that term or if that is something that TLC made up.


Well my DVR added a description, apparently it's about a woman with 2 'husbands' and 5 kids in a polyamorous (not polygamist) relationship.


And here's an article

Am I the only one who's gaydar is going off with the husbands? Perhaps they're bi and all sleep together lol.


I have a feeling the Browns will not be promoting this show as they find that kind of arrangement disgusting. Plus these people sound like kooks and attention seekers. I hope they explain how they had triplets because the chances of having triplets naturally is low without invitro. So I'd be curious as to how these babies were conceived and why? It kind of sounds like BS to me.


Ya it sounds like it's gonna be a train wreck. I'll give it an episode, it might become something we watch just to make fun of, like Alaskan Bush People lol.


I'm smelling a high BS factor also. Don't know if I will bother. My DVR is already pretty full.


I don't watch any reality TV but Sister Wives & rarely do I watch TLC - sometimes they have repeats of Untold Stories of the ER - that show cracks me up and I like the show 'Long Lost Family', but they don't have anything else that interests me.


TLC has a new show called Tattoo Girls that I tried watching because I love tattoo shows. It's quite possibly the most painfully staged and scripted 'reality' show I've ever seen lol. I used to watch Little People Big World until their marriage started falling apart and then the show just became way too depressing.


Other TLC show I watch is 90 Day Fiance. I liked the first couple of seasons very much, but the last one especially had a very heavily fake vibe about it. There are posters who claimed to know that a few of the "couples" were actually matched for the show. If I get that feel again, I will stop watching. Life is too short and there is too much to do to watch fake sh...


I just finished the most recent season of 90 day fiance. I was hooked. My favorite was Kirlyanne and the girl from South Africa who married the white boy. I was hooked. I'm currently watching Married At First Sight.




I have it set to record on my DVR; however, that doesn't mean that I will watch it. 

I still have all the Timeless episodes on my DVR and have only watched two episodes.


I follow Abigail Spencer on Twitter because she was in Rectify - she's in Timeless & tweets about it all the time of course. I wondered if it was any good.


Just read an article about Brother Husbands. It's a one time special and is not going to be a series.

To Cinles and DD, about the show Timeless, I've been watching and it's an ok show. It's struggling in the ratings, however, and I don't feel it will be back for a second season.


Glad I haven't watched it - I always like shows that get canceled. 


Watching it not. Very different. The two husbands seem gay.
it looked like the three of them slept in the same bed.
They had a paternity test to determine the triplets father


Ya I was surprised they didn't mention that the guys are bi, they definitely give off that vibe.


Yeah it was so obvious that they're in this relationship because the 2 guys are also together. Almost like she's their beard. When they were explaining their sleeping schedule, I fully expected them to say that on the third day they all sleep separate, REALLY meaning that's the night the husbands are together.


LOL yes hahaha. I thought it was hilarious how they were like 'and to make it fair on the third night we all sleep together' like it wouldn't be fair to just keep alternating days. The woman is also a little strange. I didn't watch the whole thing, but did they ever explain why she keeps changing wigs? Or admit that she wears wigs?


My theory is that she was married to the first husband, he came out as gay, the second husband is his boyfriend, they all got along so she lives with them for the sake of the kids. The second husband wanted kids so she had them.


I didn't know it was on - did they explain how & why they had triplets? Is the 2nd husband really the father?


They made a big deal out of having a paternity test on the triplets which showed that husband # 2 is indeed the father. The storyline was that they didn't know which husband was the father so they designated husband # 2 as the father so that he would feel more a part of the family. He supposedly pushed for the test because he wanted to know for sure. They did say that the triplets were not identical, but no details other than that. My theory, and I have no inside knowledge, could be valid given that info. Husband # 2 wanted kids so they had kids, probably as a sperm donor if he is indeed gay.


That seems bogus. Did they say anything about how the babies were conceived? Because the chances of her having triplets without invitro are low, so they knew who the father was - what's wrong with TLC?


Nothing on how they were conceived. I think you are right about very small chance of naturally conceived triplets. She has two sons with husband 1. I didn't catch if they are twins.


So what if it's low?? It's still possible. Why are you so intent on doubting they were conceived naturally?


I don't know if you were responding to me, but natural triplets are rare. I don't know if I could find the stats, but I think many multiples these days are from invitro. However, a good case for them being natural is that invitro is really expensive. I didn't see the show, so I don't know if they have money or not.


It's highly likely they are natural. Get over it.


They revealed the results at the end. The second husband is the father of the triplets.


That makes much more sense than what they're showing us.


The husbands are definitely gay. There is a lot they are not telling us....yet.


I'm so glad I found this. There is no mention of it anywhere else. So weird!!
