MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > A film about two people with no real pro...

A film about two people with no real problems

Anyone else feel the same way? All those contemplative shots of the two leads "going through hell" in the last third felt so derivative. and of course the inevitable finale...

"friends with kids" is such lightweight nonsense. and that trite dialogue of those "quirky" conversations "death by slow painful disease or..." blah. i expected better from the person who made "kissing jessica stein".


I totally agree. When I watched the movie, I just kept thinking these are "rich people problems."


I am by no means a rich person, but liking someone who...isnt interisted in you that way, hurts like hell. No matter your income.

I liked it.

I'm superstitious. Before I start a new movie, I kill a hobo with a hammer-Gwyneth Paltrow


I know what you mean. I guess I meant "first-world problems."
And yes it does hurt, but it felt like too little to qualify for a movie.


Agreed - it's very easy to make a movie solely on unrequited love, let alone having it be part of a bigger plot. I enjoyed the film.

'Love is becoming a blank that lovers must fill in themselves'


Agreed and the only major issue , they brought onto themselves. meh... it wasn't that good of a movie anyway.

Esta es mi firma


Yeah this movie was full of first world problems and the pettiest ones at that.


Yep, typical narcissistic whiny over privileged trendy upper middle peter pan complex shallow selfish amoral (if not immoral) douches. (And I'm upper middle, but thankfully sooo far removed from that whole mentality).


So because they have a higher income and are able to live in Manhattan, they aren't allowed to have problems? Or because they aren't in poverty or suffering from a life-altering disease they're just supposed to be happy 24/7?

Everyone has issues dude. Just because they might not be as huge as the dilemmas happening across the world doesn't mean they don't matter.


Well do you want every movie to be about famine and war?


Aren't a lot of US movies like that? oh i can't find love or be with the person i love, what a dilemma! Urgghhhh...

Ashmi any question
