MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > Relationships based on friendship

Relationships based on friendship

It seems to me that a key theme in this film is the importance of friendship in a long term relationship. I like how (arguably) the most stable relationship in the film was between Julia and Adam, and that was because their relationship was based off of a friendship that evolved into romantic love.

Also, the relationship that failed the fastest was based on lust with very little else between the couple (Kristen and Jon). This films point of view just struck me as a very stable, and I liked that. I feel like rom coms these days are filled with neurotic people doing insane things, falling in love and everything about their relationship is a disaster. This film seemed more grounded and seeded in a deep need and desire for a stable life with a child.

I really liked it.


I really appreciated that Friends with Kids focused on this aspect of relationships. It's something that is often overlooked.


Agreed, Hollywood glosses over this. I really enjoyed this film.


I think it's important for couples to be friends first. Then the relationship is based on personal compatibility and respect and not just sexual chemistry. It's easier to learn a person inside and out. Eventually you grow trust, care, and then passion. You even learn to compromise. This film touched on that as a great theme. Throughout Jason and Julie's journey they always had respect for one another. That was the foundation of their relationship, as well as good memories and honesty. You can compare their relationship with their friends'. It was interesting to see how the stories of the other couples evolved in their own way. I found this rom com to be more real than other rom coms. Other rom coms are pretty predictable with their plot lines or involve the silliest interactions to fall in love. This was a very smart and fresh romantic comedy with great acting. I recommend watching it with your dear friends.



I thought this film was an honest depiction of how having kids affects a marriage. Julie and Jason's relationship was inspiring. The characters were full of depth, Adam Scott and Jennifer Westfeldt were excellent in these roles. They were COMPLETELY believable and lovable. I was totally rooting for them the entire movie. They displayed an aspirational "best friend" type of relationship that was full of trust and you just didn't want them to blow it! If you’re married, in love, wanting to have kids, this movie will resonate with you.


I agree! Adam and Jennifer were completely believable and lovable. They have great chemistry and a vibe about them that showed they've been friends for a long time and have a great amount of trust in each other. I also really loved their friends! A group of friends like that is awesome. They had great stories and dynamics. They were all really funny and it's believable how all of the characters relate to each other. This was a film where these actors can show off their acting range. The stories of the friends' were very interesting and gave us real life relationships and situations to compare Julie and Jason's relationship to. I thought their stories were just as important as the main plot. They help to explain the difference between relationship based on sex and relationships based on friendship.


Isn't that usually how it is?? I think you couples have to find a partner first in each other, someone that will compromise, work with you, communicate everything, and enjoy life with... all the romance and attraction comes later if its meant to be more.

All the other couples were also dead on in their portrayal and quite funny.
Julie and Jason were an ideal partnership.
