Great Banter...

Love a film with great back and forth, I'll be hitting this up on Netflix more than my fair share.

Loved this convo with the two main characters:
Jason Fryman: Slow painful death by disease... or watching the love of your life die a slow painful death by disease?
Julie Keller: A. Definitely A. Much worse to be without the person you love than to have a slow painful death.
[... ]
Julie Keller: You?
Jason Fryman: Oh, B.
Julie Keller: Really? You would rather watch the love of your life die slowly and painfully?
Jason Fryman: Well, it wouldn't be awesome, but better them than me. Got a lot of good years left.


Ha! Yes, that one's good! Really like this back and forth too!

Ben: So, why didn't you guys ever even try to get together?
Jason Fryman: It's too much familiarity. It's like she's one of my limbs.
Ben: And that's bad, because...?
Jason Fryman: Because I hate myself.


Lol. It's dark but funny. Love her writing, she makes you laugh at yourself :)


I totally agree! That particular back and forth is literally one of the cutest couple games I've ever seen!


I love this exchange:

I’m sorry I couldn’t get them to a restaurant. I really tried.
Whatever. It’s the baby card. They all play it.
I know, but it’s not just the baby card, it’s the baby card and Brooklyn. So it’s like...
It’s like two cards.

So true!!!


This exchange between Julie & Kurt was a little sad... But good! I loved how this game was kind of like a meter to show how successful Julie's relationships were.

Aneurysm or cancer?
Excuse me?
Which would you choose?
Uh -- Neither. I don’t--
No, it’s a game. You have to choose. Which would you rather. Think about it: aneurysm, you go fast, you don’t even know it’s happening which is nice, but then cancer, you get to prepare, say your goodbyes, maybe write a memoir, so...?
Huh. Um. I guess cancer. Because with early detection and vigilance most cancers can --
No, no, you don’t get it-- you’re dying! Either way you’re dying!
Whoa, okay. OK, I got it. --Why do I have to be dying again? Why is this fun?


Agreed! I loved the writing!


The writing was good. I just don't get why there are so few quotes from the movie on here. Chris O'Dowd had some great and real funny lines in this movie.

I know how to get lost in lust, not because you should but because you must.


Haha! Eryk, that was a great line!


I love this too!

Jason Fryman: Do you have to wear those shoes?
Julie Keller: Do you feel inadequate?
Jason Fryman: Do you feel enormous?


Ha ha, that's a good one. :)


Yeah it's very realistic and similar to my situation.
