MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > Movies about people with kids...

Movies about people with kids...

What's with movies making parenting look like an absolute nightmare? I understand that having kids can be hard and it's no walk in the park but films exaggerate way too much. 'What to expect when you're expecting' is another movie that makes it look like having kids will ruin your life.

Did anyone else feel like It seems like Jennifer Westfeldt doesn't know any couples with kids in her real life? I found this film to be a little excessive. I fully understand that some moments are true portrayals of what a couple goes through but when you pile those moments on and have both married couples hate eachother's guts because they have kids,...that's taking it a little too far. I have friends with kids that haven't changed personality wise at all. They might be a little busier but when I walk into their house everyone is calm. They don't scream at eachother and blame eachother for everything. Why are children in movies always so defiant? I babysat for many years when I was a teenager and I've never seen parents act as frazzled. That being said, there are films that make motherhood and parenting seem too easy, which is another problem. I just wish they could come up with a film that has a balance. It's either heaven or hell.

reply's amazing that people still want to have kids after all these movies. (myself included)

Deb: "You're a sick f#%&, Dexter. Jesus Christ."


I understand that having kids can be hard
So you don't actually have kids? I don't either and no one can say for certain what its really like until they have their own. I think everyones experience is different but i do also think that at some point it can be pretty nightmarish. Especially when you have more than one to deal with as well as trying to balance a job, a social life and keep your marriage on track. People really do love to create too much work for themselves. Don't get me wrong though, i actually praise them for trying, especially the ones who manage to make it work!

Ashmi any question


So because the couples that you know in your life that have children means everybody has to be the same?



I agree, before having my daughter, movies and tv shows made me think that having even just one kid will turn you into an ugly, stressed out, suicidal, unlovable person! Every scene about a baby involves either explosive diarrhea, fevers, inconsolable crying, etc. Yes, babies go through things, but not all the damn time! After experiencing parenthood, I thought my daughter was just beyond perfect, I LOVE being a mom! It kind of makes me sad the way movies portrays parenthood :/

'What to expect when you're expecting' is another movie that makes it look like having kids will ruin your life.

This i disagree with though ~ although I didn't think that movie was that good, I respected the fact that they showed pregnancy/ having kids from all different perspectives. One mom had an AWFUL pregnancy, but there was also the flawless (also unrealistic) woman who breezed through it, and the athletic, older woman, who didn't let it stop he lifestyle (until her age caught up to her).
