MovieChat Forums > Friends with Kids (2012) Discussion > Bush bashing, cmon...really??

Bush bashing, cmon...really??

Bush bashing? Anti organized religion? Wow...I am a Democrat but this crap is getting really old.


That's just how their characters are. What the hell. If they didn't have those character traits, it would give you less of an idea as to who they are inside.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"


I don't get what the problem is. I myself am VERY much against organized religion and I can tell you I would NEVER even consider spending the rest of my life with someone I didn't see eye to eye with, on that subject. The movie itself wasn't trying to tell you that religion is wrong, it was just trying to focus on personality traits, and certain intellectual/life choices that the characters have made. The point is, they fit well together because they agree on some more or less important issues. You as viewer were supposed to just see the two characters as a good match, not get infuriated that they were not on the same page as you from a religious or political point of view...

And besides, you are blowing this WAY out of proportion. Most characters in movies are religious and even speak about God's mercy or wrath, or other random s**t like that. It's a nice change for the rest of us to have some representation, even if it's just in low-budget rom-coms :))

Elegant and ferocious neither good nor bad. Full of beautiful things. Unspeakable things


Uh okay, but it makes the point of telling you that organized religion and George Bush are wrong. Why didn't it make the point of telling you that homosexuality and Obama are wrong? Sad part is, you brainwashed sheep don't even realize that you are brainwashed.


You belong to a religion and adhere to a certain political direction and get offended that those two are "bashed" in a movie... and yet I'M the brainwashed sheep? Oh honey...

Elegant and ferocious neither good nor bad. Full of beautiful things. Unspeakable things



You telling us that you are not brainwashed by FOX Noise, church doctrine, and conservative talk radio is like the Pope telling us he's not Catholic.


If it bothers you so much, go make your own movie and you can make it say whatever you want. So who held a gun to your head and made you watch this movie?


John Lennon bashed organized religion... and Bush, it's not like he was one of the worst presidents in history and put the US into two wars and a massive amount of debt. Oh wait...


Oh, as opposed to Obama, who has been such a HUGE success!


Oh, as opposed to Obama, who has been such a HUGE success!

Lol mte. Obama has accumulated more debt than all of the other Presidents combined.

Deb: "You're a sick f#%&, Dexter. Jesus Christ."


Obama has accumulated more debt than all of the other Presidents combined.

This is false.

I am no fan of Obama's, but let's tell the truth here. The vast majority of the money he spent was on Bush's two wars, continuing the Wall Street bailout that Bush started, and continuing the Bush tax cuts. He inherited the largest deficit in US history during the biggest economic collapse in 80 years. Obama has made his fair share of mistakes, but he has cut the deficit in half.

To the original poster...what kind of Democrat tires of Bush bashing? I don't think you're a Democrat.


Oh spare me. The Obama "Stimulus" (getting more people than ever on the dole) exceeded the wars. The debt has quintupled.


Ironically Jennifer Westfeldt looks almost exactly like George Bush would look if he were a woman.

Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


I still say Jennifer Westfelt alienated a lot of viewers with those remarks. After all, Bush did win twice. I voted for him once, but not both times. Also, most people tend to be religious at least somewhat. She could've just said she didn't see eye to eye politically with her latest date setup without using Bush's name, I suppose. At least she didn't say she was atheist, which may have been more alienating than saying she's anti-organized religion. Yes, I know, there are plenty of agnostic and atheists on IMDb, I've heard their comments, I'm just speaking in generalities of comments that tend to turn off most people.

