Young Erica

In the pictures they showed of a much younger Erika - she certainly didn't appear as a trophy wife. She was very pretty but kind of just had a mom vibe.


Were those pics taken before or after she abandoned her son?


I would love to know that story, why she never mentions him. do they not talk?


Her son is a cop and very very conservative. Very very. Extremely. Like, a lot. But they do have a good relationship. He is not interested in being on the show or being apart of her Erika Jayne persona.

Erika is still very good friends with her ex husband. He owns a fur and clothing business and she uses his companies clothing in many of her videos and appearances.


It's hard to believe that she could be a grandmother (or maybe she is already). I wonder?


@noveltylibrary I found some stuff about her son and ex-husband here:

Kyle may be a lot of things and she is not my favourite person by any means but she is a hands on mom. For Erika to say they have motherhood in common is laughable. She took off and so she gets no praise from me for her son turning out to be a good and decent citizen. Chasing grandpa sugar daddy was much more important to her.

You're everything to me, always have been... the sound of your voice will always bring me home.


She didn't abandon him, he is a grown up and a cop.


Were those pics taken before or after she abandoned her son?

Abandon is such a hateful word. I looked at his FB page and he had plenty of pictures of her and him on there. He also had pics of Tom (whom it was obvious that he respects) from when he was still a kid. So she didn't abandon him. It seems like she was involved in his life, while he grew up.

Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike. I know, let's have a spelling contest.


I agree, and I also thought Tom was nice looking, they seemed more like a fit for each other (meaning she didnt look tons younger and he looked alot older then her, like they do now)


Also Erika mentioned before that she was raised by her mother and grandmother, possibly she was looking for an older male influence and affection without even realizing it.
