MovieChat Forums > Silk (2011) Discussion > What is the point of Silk

What is the point of Silk

without Tom Hughes?? So sad he's not in it!!


No!!! I was hoping against hope he would be in it again. Do they explain why his character left? The show doesn't air where I live so I have to wait for the DVD.


In Episode 1 of Series 2, Billy just briefly mentions to Martha that both Nick and Niamh left the Chambers due to the decision of Head of Chambers.


I wonder why the characters left, because in the last episode, it looked like Nick was going to get a permanent job at the chambers. It seems like he has some unfinished storylines, too. I expected he would eventually get caught shop-lifting. And I thought they would delve more into that whole thing where it was implied that he raped someone or was at least accused it.

Maybe I imagined his character as being more important than it was, and these were just meant to be sort of minor, passing anecdotes.


Well Natalie Dormier is now on HBO's Game of Thrones and I suppose Tom Huges has something as well that was a scheduling conflict.


BBC has been going through very rough restructuring so it was probably doubtful that Silk was going to get a second season. The cast would likely have had only basic contracts that were not renewed once the new season was greenlit, likely because the actors had moved on.

It happens a lot.


I don't think it had anything to do with contracts since most of the regular cast from Series 1 came back, I don't think Natalie Dormer was going to come back she already had projects lined up, and when her character went back in to tell the other members of chambers that she had help, the way she walked out I took it to show she wasn't coming back, and that Nick had gotten the job.

Ms. Dormer left this series and immediately went to another series and then guest starred on a few episodes of "Game of Thrones", she'll be featured more in the third season of "Game of Thrones" since her character marries that prick Joffrey.

Although she could have done both series, "Game of Thrones" wrapped up filming season 3 last year, but it looks like Ms. Dormer decided to do several theatrical films for 2013.

I think that is why actors like doing projects for the BBC, they're series don't take up much time most of them are only 6 episodes per series, allowing the actors to do other projects. In the US a series on a major network has 20 to 24 episodes, and then they get a few weeks off during the hiatus times which doesn't allow for a lot of other projects maybe one if they're lucky.

Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.


when her character went back in to tell the other members of chambers that she had help, the way she walked out I took it to show she wasn't coming back, and that Nick had gotten the job.

Interesting...I had a different take on that. I thought she realized she'd been given information that Nick hadn't gotten, had a moment of conscience during which she walked back in and was about to confess, then after Clive's comment ("it's not your fault your father is a judge") had second thoughts and walked back out. I thought it was left totally unclear if one (or both) of them was going to get offered a position.


Billy mentions what happened in the first episode of the second season. While he's having a conversation with Clive. As Billy put it, he admired the way the head of chambers came in and ruthlessly lanced some boils in Nate, Nick and Niamh.

I think he knew Niamh had been having a sexual relationship with Clive, Nick wasn't very confident at times and Kate made her own bed. It's been awhile since I saw the first season but I also got impression that the head of chambers was never impressed with either Nick or kate even before they presented their mock cases.

From the new junior they brought in last season he seemed a little more confident than Nick and he's a little more interesting in that he had a background working as a police officer before taking up law.

Minds that have withered into psychosis are far more terrifying than any character of fiction.


I think he knew Niamh had been having a sexual relationship with Clive, Nick wasn't very confident at times and Kate made her own bed.

You are correct in mentioning all three. And why all three had to go!

Prior to the interviews, Head of Chambers directly asked Clive if he started sleeping with his student "before or after he had gotten Martha pregnant." Clive's mouth went slack; suddenly, Mr. Smooth had nothing to say!

Since ALL of the clerks in the office knew, Clive should have suspected a direct pipeline to Head of Chambers. IOW, Clive should not have been shocked that Head of Chambers KNEW what was going on in his own law firm. Sometimes, Clive is unbelievably thick; (given his plum position).

Niamh was also too naïve for her own good. While she had a HUGE advantage (because of her uncle); she was willing to gamble it away by having an affair with one of chambers top lawyers. She must have known that an intern DOES NOT become involved with a member of the firm! That is something any 15 year old girl knows. The fact that she was SO casual and SO careless about her relationship with Clive speaks to her (lack of) character!

Nick had a worse problem than his lack of confidence. HE WAS A THIEF! His proclivity toward felonious activity are not the habits of your usual barrister.
(1) He stole over a thousand pounds in costumes for court. [When he dipped the wig into a cup of coffee or tea (to age it) I cringed; remembering that he was destroying property that belonged to the clothing store; I hoped he would return the stolen merchandise, but as he "ruined" the wig, I knew the creep was only concerned with himself.]
(2) He TRIED to steal some very expensive law reference books. The only reason he did not was because the books were alarmed.
(3) He "helped himself" to top line champagne at an office get-together (Clive told him to scram or he would turn him in stealing the champers).
It is only a matter of time before Nick gets caught, and he would not be welcome at ANY chambers when he became a client!
Nick had other options! He could have bought used court clothing costumes, he could have bought the books on time payments, and he could have done without the champers.

As to Kate; she was a RAT! No one likes a rat!


I only just finished the first season, but i'm sooo glad to hear Nick's not in the show anymore. Worst character on the show, and the worst actor too. Really brought the show down for me every time he was on the screen. Kind of sad to hear that Niamh's not on the show anymore though. Her role on the show was kind of cliche ( the pupil/teacher thing), but at least she was played by an interesting, capable actor. Small price to pay though, to be rid of Nick.
