Bit boring...
Fortunately, I wasn't expecting much from this movie. I would have felt very let down if I did. So everyone who went to that high school turns out to be rich and thin and none of them show the wear and tear of age, kids, etc.
This was supposed to be realistic and relate-able?
The only nice part was when two of the characters find the chance to fall in love. The rest of the characters were $%&*ing annoying.
(And no, I'm not a fat 30-something housewife before anyone accuses me of being one. Not even close. But I've seen enough to know that not EVERYONE is going to remain as skinny and put-together 10 years after high school as they are in this movie. I haven't even been out of high school five years yet, and I can tell through FB that the majority of my classmates have completely changed body-wise after marriage and having children.)