Thanks. Do you recommend watching The Offspring or have I spoiled it for myself by watching the sequel? I can't imagine I have from the contents of The Woman, never know! Is The Offspring "better"/"worse" than The Woman? I quite enjoyed it, didn't think it was anything special, I don't particularly like watching rape on screen but I didn't think this was too graphic or disturbing, to be honest, certainly not as bad as the rape scene in Irreversible (I still can't get that out of my head completely...{shiver}). And we're not really given any reason WHY the father turns into such a depraved sadist and the explanation he gives for his son's actions towards the woman is EVEN WORSE...."boys will be boys"?!?!? NOOO!!! ****ing hell. Although I admit this does give us a bit more insight into the father's character...but not a lot!