Is this a sequel?

2009 there was a movie called The Offspring. It was about a clan of cannibals, with the actress playing The Woman plays a character named The Woman in that movie. Both were written by Jack Ketcham.

By the way, shame on you, Jack Ketcham!




Actually no, it is a prequel.


Actually no, it IS a sequel.


This is the second movie however, the third book


Interesting! THIS is why I love IMDB message boards! I never would have known this was a prequel! I will now have to track down The Offspring! Hopefully it is as cringe worthy as The Woman!


In the first scene, she's cleaning a wound in her side. She got that wound at the end of Offspring.

We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public.


Thanks. Do you recommend watching The Offspring or have I spoiled it for myself by watching the sequel? I can't imagine I have from the contents of The Woman, never know! Is The Offspring "better"/"worse" than The Woman? I quite enjoyed it, didn't think it was anything special, I don't particularly like watching rape on screen but I didn't think this was too graphic or disturbing, to be honest, certainly not as bad as the rape scene in Irreversible (I still can't get that out of my head completely...{shiver}). And we're not really given any reason WHY the father turns into such a depraved sadist and the explanation he gives for his son's actions towards the woman is EVEN WORSE...."boys will be boys"?!?!? NOOO!!! ****ing hell. Although I admit this does give us a bit more insight into the father's character...but not a lot!


Angela, this movie is not a prequel. It's a sequel to The Offspring.
