The Ending...


I really liked this film in a sick and twisted way. I normally hate gory bloody films but when theres an element of revenge involved it feels ok.

I didn't find it any more offensive to women then any other film in particular and find it interesting that so many people do. Especially considering she saves the daughters at the end and kills the 3 sickest members of the family who are the perpetrators of the mysogyny (The mum by staying with such a sick man and not calling the police long long before she decides to, idiot)... Its almost anti that, kind of empowering and kick-ass!

Anyway, the point I wanted to make was, at the end, I almost laughed when she offered the little girl her finger to see if she had a taste for blood. It was kind of like... 'Hey little girl, do you think you could live like me?' then kind of, in her own language said to peggy, I'll take this one, you keep the one in your womb and we'll see which one turns out better? Your society is f@*k£d up kid!!


Great film for a random night 😘
