What exactly is 'feminist' about this film?
Not sure what people are complaining about, or even why they'd be concerned if there was some feminism in this film.
Firstly, you have an abusive father who traps, holds hostage and abuses the feral woman. He's also physically abusing his wife. His kids are afraid of him and there's a suggestion he may be abusing his older daughter.
So it's obvious he's a misogynist and is teaching his son to be the same way. That in itself doesn't make the film feminist. If anything, this terrible film seems like some misogynistic man's wet dream. The whole damn movie is ridiculous. The 'effects' are the worst I've ever seen. And people are worrying about feminism in it? Lol
I still don't understand it, why they hate us so much - Valerie, V for Vendetta