the woman was kind of hot + the ending = a big let down.
This movie was kinda quirky and different. The dad was well cast and fairly well acted.
The movie was pretty boring.
I found the woman to be fairly attractive. She was powerful and bold and she had a certain presence. The rest of the characters were so weak and un-likeable. I'm including the father in this too. All of these comments about a small woman being no contest for a man. come on. The father was a weak coward who prays on woman he can manipulate. He's not going out and winning bar fights. he's a total pussy. (I'm hearing my own hypocrisy here) When a strong woman comes along, she *beep* him up.
where was the "blood bath" at the end? I watched the whole movie expecting to see something totally amazing. Some sort brutal revenge....... it was pretty tame.
The woman: 4/10