MovieChat Forums > The Spectacular Now (2013) Discussion > Sending late application to college

Sending late application to college

I'm curious to how realistic is Sutter's college acceptance considering the fact that he sent his application way past the deadline.
The movie implied that his essay is what "redeemed" him and made him get accepted, but I for one, found it to be quite cheesy and it made more sense in the context of the movie, than that of a college application.
Plus aren't colleges really strict when it comes to deadlines? By the time he applied they would of already filled most, if not all of their spots.
Do you know any similar situations in real life?


When did he get accepted? I thought he just decided to drive out to to see Amy and try to win her back. For what it's worth, I hope she turned him down.


He didn't get accepted it was left ambiguous.


Sutter hadn't been accepted at the end of the movie. He had only completed his application before driving to Philadelphia to be with Aimee.

However, schools with rolling admissions (no application deadline) may accept students as late as August. The only problem would be the availability of financial aid and housing. If you can afford the tuition and don't need housing, you're good.


It was definetly just a plot device to show the characters growth in a relatable way to his age and angst.
