MovieChat Forums > The Spectacular Now (2013) Discussion > Any words from the makers regarding the ...

Any words from the makers regarding the ending?

Like what are their personal takes on it? Do they say that it ends with her accepting him? etc. Can't really find anything at google.


I think its supposed to be left up to the viewer.


So nothing? I thought they might say something about it like Nolan did with Inception.


Shailene and Teller voiced their opinions.




"Miles Teller and Shailene Woodley disagree on what happened between their two characters after the movie ends. Teller believes that the two went to lunch, but that the two would not reconcile since Aimee appears to have grown stronger and has moved on. Woodley agreed that the two went to lunch, but she believes that because of their age and immaturity, the two characters reconciled romantically, despite the fact that it wouldn't be healthy."

Taken from the Trivia section for this film.


Interesting! I'm more with Teller.

My top 250:


I agree with Woodley. I assumed Aimee would give him another chance.



I feel like she might. The thing is since he's probably a better, healthy, version of himself by the time he goes to see her, and she's a stronger person by the time he does, then it would be a healthy relationship. But from her kind of seems like she's already seeing someone.


She wasn't smiling.


From what I remember, I feel like the director told her to convey as many emotions as possible. She definitely smiles at one point.

iirc her face goes: wtf is this d-bag doing here..OMG SUTTER!!! settle down now..Oh s*** I have a boyfriend....but could probably dump him if needed.


I think they probably did get back together, at least for a time, though I think eventually Aimee would get smarter and move on. Clearly she's not entirely happy to see him, but she seems like she's really fallen for him. If she can get back together with him with no questions asked after he put her in a situation where he yelled at her pretty viciously and then she got hit by a truck, I don't see why she wouldn't get back with him now.


lol, thats the problem with Nolan, nothing is left up to the viewer, everything is explained.


I saw the movie at the Sundance premiere and the director basically said it's meant to be ambiguous, there's no definite answer.
