
We keep messing with our water.

In my city they are storing, under high pressure, fracking chemical fluids under our aquifer. If those chemicals leak into our water supply it makes the water undrinkable. Oil spills have contaminated our oceans and wildlife. One of the most precious resources we have and we continue to contaminate it or put it at risk.
I am about to pop this movie in....I hope it's good.


Thats what makes this movie so scary IMO. You are living it so I bet this movie will affect you.


Well obviously the film is bringing up two points:

1) the fact that wildlife dies off in huge amounts and humans don't know about it because the media doesn't care about non-human animals (another huge problem in our culture but that's a whole different rant), but they don't realize how these mass deaths of wildlife are symptomatic of environmental events that directly effect us.

2) We have little knowledge of what's in our water, and it's one of the most important resources for our survival. Fluoridation is a big one, oil drilling and frakking damage water supplies, and huge companies dump chemicals in our water (and usually get away with it because they pay off the right politicians). Just look at the Erin Brockovich case. My hometown had the same chemical in the water that was in the Brockovich case. Many cities in Southern California have jet fuel in their water. And we drink it, and we pay to drink it, because we die if we don't drink enough water. But the water is killing us because of the pollution and contamination.

Overall, disconnection from nature, disconnection from what we put in our bodies, the government takes advantage of it's citizens.

I still believe that peace and plenty and happiness can be worked out some way. I am a fool.
