Yes people will think this is real. Sadly enough.....
Why does movies like this keep cooming out? Really they don´t make me feel like I´m wtaching somthing that is real. Why? First of all there are no NO ugly people in these kind of movies. Everyone looks great and have a perfect BMI. An if you are going to make a movie like this then maybe instead of using the same production company that made the fake scarymentary Paranormal Activity they could just have formed another company that noone had heard of.....
So please stop Blair Witching moves and try a stadycam 'cos we thw majority dosen't fall for it...
(I'm so upset that I can't even spell right)
"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse." - Don Vito Corleone
They're not really INTENDING to trick you into thinking they are real, and they don't think they are "fooling anyone". It's fiction and marketed as fiction (even has actor credits at the start and a standard "Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental." at the end.) It's meant to part of the fun of these movies, kinda like when you tell a ghost story that "happened in this house not long ago." They know they're not fooling you (not since Blair Witch, anyway) and nobody's pretending the stuff in "Paranormal Activity" keeps happening. It's all in fun.
It annoys me when someone claims they outsmarted a movie by not being tricked into believing it is true. About the only time this claim means much to me is in reference to The Fourth Kind. In that movie Milla Jovavich begins the movie by looking directly into the camera, identifying herself as the actress Milla Jovavich, and says the movie is based on true events. She bold face lied to her audience. I literally yelled "BS!" when I heard her say that. I paused the movie and researched the lie from there before beginning it. I still feel that was a cheap gimmick.
"the story of a Japanese woman dying because she believed the story of Fargo to be real and froze to death searching for the case of money is simply untrue - it seems more plausible and believable that she did, indeed, die for the love that she had lost, as is suggested by the letter received by her parents weeks after her death"
I'm sure these type of movies caught alot of people off guard in the beginning. Now that there's so many of them, you'd think those who were fooled would finally catch on. You'd think.