Why Hate ?

First , I would like to say that I enjoyed this movie.

Now for the science:
The tongue parasite, Cymothoa exigua
The giant isopod, Bathynomus giganteus
Both are from the order Isopoda, suborder Cymothoida - they simply belong to different family and genus. So, to say they are completely different isn't completely correct.
The smaller tongue parasite as portrayed in the fish on film is very close to accurate. All but the harmful effect to the fish. They attach to the gills an migrate to the tongue , replacing it for the duration of the fish's lifespan.
The larger giant isopod is mainly a deep sea scavenger , however it is also a carnivorous predator and has been known to adopt parasitic tendancies.

Many other species over human history have been thought to only exist as parasites or bacteria in the animal kingdom only to be discovered in an infected human patient. As a matter of fact, most of the serious outbreaks in history have come from animal-human cross contamination.

Therefore it is not a scientific stretch to think that these species either through a natural imperative or human meddling could in fact become the threat seen in this movie.

Miskatonic University - Go Pods !!!


^ This. I did my research as well!


I watched this on Netflix and I don't understand the hate for this movie neither, I thought it was a really effective paranoid horror and the science as you've pointed out holds up well.
I thought it worked really well.


I'm only a half hour in, but I completely understand that this movie is apparently getting a lot of hate. It's an extraordinarily confused, aimless film with no clearly defined focus. I usually try to finish a film before giving my opinion, but I'm about two seconds away from shutting it off. I'll probably force myself to finish it today, but I really do find it to be possibly the most sub-par "found footage" style horror film I've seen in quite some time.

I'm watching this with my mother, and we both are pretty much in agreement that the main issue is that it doesn't feel like it's own film, it feels like it was crudely cobbled together with deleted scenes and B-roll from about 10 different movies.

Edit: Finished the film and I really just didn't find it that good at all. It was too poorly made in the beginning and the narrative imploded completely in the last act, turning the last 15 minutes into nothing but a lot of cheap gross-out gore effects and tacked-on jump-scares. I'd venture to say it is arguably the worst found-footage style horror film I've seen. (Although I haven't seen all of the recent ones, I've seen quite a few.)

And there are just too many jarring, fundamental problems with the direction and storyline. I mean, this is a film where out lead character actually leaves the movie before the final act, forcing us to almost randomly focus on the ancillary character of Stephanie. (I got the feeling that Stephanie's storyline was added during reshoots. It doesn't tie into anything else. I'm almost certain it was added in to give the film a climax made up of a few gross-out gore effects and a few jump-scares, because it was just too tacked on and felt like a different film entirely.)

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?


love your Miskatonic University sig :)

I actually liked this movie, because of the real science and real possibilities. because water is the most essential thing we need and use, and the fear of creepy crawly "bugs" is deep-seated in our brains ... add in the incompetent, malicious government and the stupidity of the greedy poultry growers alongside the news stories we've all heard about pollution and mutation, and it's a fantastically scary plot.

but the narrator/reporter ruins the entire movie, for me. her voice, her look, her clothes, her "acting" ... all are so awful, so grating and just UGH. what were all the people involved making the film thinking?? not one could speak up and say, "hey, this actress sucks, it might affect the audience's reactions to the film?"

don't blink


I have to admit, the reporter's voice was my least favorite part of the movie.
However, the acting by others wasn't the worst I have seen (especially in most lost-footage movies, and I have been watching a lot of them lately).

What is your favorite 'lost-footage' movie , and why ?

Miskatonic University - Go Pods !!!


I thought that aspect of the film was just fine, but there weren't enough strong individual set pieces to offset the lack of a strong central narrative. I gave it a look because of Levinson, but I've never really seen the appeal of the found footage genre.



Very informative post! Thanks!

Next time you see me, it won't be me

