MovieChat Forums > The Bay (2012) Discussion > It would have been a lot better without ...

It would have been a lot better without the conspiracy

The cover up part of the story ruined it. It would have been a lot more effective as a recognized disaster like Cloverfied, but making it a conspiracy is pandering to gullible viewer audience. It's insulting because it seems to imply we can't understand the horrors and the threats in the movie, because apparently we have no imagination or understanding of the hypothetical. The only way us dumb droolbags would get that this movie was supposed to be scary was if we thought that this "really" happened.

A lot of people have complained about how they're sick of zombies or vampires. I'm sick of government coverups. It's not that I don't believe coverups happen. I'm not naively believing that people in the government always do what's best for us. I'm just sick of conspiracies as a plot trope. Like zombies and vampires, conspiracies and coverups are so overused that they don't have any significant effect anymore.

It's like filmmakers think inserting a conspiracy theory into every fricking horror movie will somehow make it even more scary, but it didn't for The Bay. The disaster was disturbing enough on its own, and that "The Big Bad Government is out to get us" was the dumbest cliche joke they could write into an otherwise impressive horror film.


I agree plus add silly science they use. I thought we were past the whole nuclear waste giving you superpowers or mutating you stuff.

