what this movie is based off of
this movie is based off of the parasite Cymothoa, and to honest, thats *beep* terrifying. what that parasite does is attaches to the tounge and drinks out all of the blood from it, then, after its gone it replaces the tounge. what it looks like they did in this movie was made it bigger and more typical as it goes inside you and eats your organs. to me having a giant creature for a tounge is scary as *beep* and leads me to believe their may be zombies in the film. honestly ive never understood why paranormal activity is scary, i have yet to see the unseen horror tactic work perfectly, but this one looks scary as *beep* and i will be seeing it.
but on another note, people hate on movies that are found footage but they have been doing this *beep* FOREVER so just let it take course until they finally make a collection of found footage movies and it goes away. then, of course, youll wine about the new horror fad or remakes. which also have been around forever and i think that they should remake horror movies but stick to bad ones, im rambling now and i shall take my leave.