Okay, but flawed mostly by one thing.
This is a relatively well put-together "found footage" film that has some tense situations, but has one major flaw that cripples it completely. We are introduced to the small town in the film through a just-starting reporter who had the bad luck of being at ground zero of the disaster, and while her footage in the town is fine, the movie uses a webcam interview to narrate the entire film. This webcam interview is so poorly acted and written that is breaks the film's back. Had the reporter character died in the film (which would have made sense, since it shows her drinking the water and washing her face with fountain water that an infected man was bleeding in), the logic and terror would have been more hard driven. Instead, we're introduced to a survivor who speaks about the disaster with her tongue sticking out and saying how everything "makes her sad" over and over... The fact that her webcam interview makes her look 11 years old doesn't help, and the cheap explanation of "not everyone got sick" didn't sit with me. We're talking about a parasitic creature, not a virus... it seems that line was thrown in just to justify her inexplicable survival.
The other moment that broke the belief of plot was at the end, when the young family arrives on boat to find the town that should be in the middle of 4th of July festivities empty and silent. They witness countless bodies, dead and diseased, laying all over the streets, and instead of leaving town on the boat they arrived in, what do they do? They wander into the middle of town, into an abandoned store to attempt to call on a phone (lines and cells are blocked), so they conveniently find a computer in the antique store and turn on skype to have a pointless conversation which gets ended abruptly by something that can only be described as "too sudden".
Part of me wonders if the reporter "after-thought" interview was added afterwards to try to string the whole movie together? Had her main character died, and left only the newly arrived mother and baby alone in the wasteland of the disaster, the film's horror impact would have been much more intense. Instead, we're left with a tense film broken up by the whiny ramblings of a girl who looks and acts too young to be using chat programs by herself.