MovieChat Forums > The Bay (2012) Discussion > So like um... I'm gonna narrate this who...

So like um... I'm gonna narrate this whole movie?

In my valley girl scratchy voice accent? So like um... like um? Yeahhhhh(crackle crackle crackle).

Worst accent in all of America. She was right at the beginning of the movie, they should have gotten a professional voice actor.

It's bad enough we have actual US State Department and other federal officials who talk like this to national audiences "So like um, the budget n' stuff? We need more money...yeahhhhhhh."

It's the worst of all the annoying speech patterns. The overuse of "like" the crackly voice, and the sing-songy up and down pitch that randomly makes statements sound like questions.

Pleaseeeee never do this again. Text would have been a better replacement.


I agree with this. Her voice made me want to choke someone, and she did just awful.


Guys, for those of us not living in America? You pretty much all sound like that...

But I'll admit the overuse of "like" was pretty damn unprofessional considering that this is supposed to be a reporter. I suppose it was meant to show that she was nervous and uncertain of herself, but even so, we also get the impression that they were doing more than one take during the narration bits.


You must have a horrible attention to detail if you can't tell there is a difference between American accents.


Of course I can tell that different people speak in different ways. But to be frank, I can't tell the difference between American and Canadian accents because it's not distinctive enough difference. I can recognise a Texan accent though I think (if it's strong enough).


Totally agree. I'm 5 minutes into it and this woman's voice and generally affect are driving me nuts. That crackling thing she's doing with her voice is called "vocal fry," by the way. I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it.


LOL Screw you guys. I thought her voice was fine. She was the most likeable character in the whole movie for me. At least she seemed real and like she had a heart. Since she had sympathy and expressed remorse for the victims and the tragedy instead of just staying cool and detached like most reporters would. People who act like they have their sh*t all together and have it all figured out, but people/characters like that just seem fake to me. She was unsure of herself and in over her head at her job, which I related to and found endearing. You all can say it was unprofessional, but I don't know...I liked it. Though I guess characters like that aren't for everyone, but yeah, she just seemed "real" and flawed to me and I appreciated that. Apparently I'm the only one? ::shrug::

So I have to disagree with the harsh judgment of her character and her voice. Just really tired of people acting like hardasses and all the Social Darwinism and judging of flawed (especially socially flawed) characters/people on here and on the net as a whole. I don't know if its just because they're easy targets (might as well punch a puppy lol) and usually don't fight back or what, but its not cool and really needs to stop. I know everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but its just ridiculous I’m made to feel like the only person who feels this way and makes me feel like I’m losing my mind. So yeah...screw you guys lol Did a whole rant about it in another topic I just created :-)

"That's the theme of my movies: The victory of the battered idealist in a cynical world."


Lol you're funny.


Just the narration itself annoyed me, not the accent... but I guess it's forgiveable, given the format...

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"
