MovieChat Forums > The Bay (2012) Discussion > The one thing that could have redeemed t...

The one thing that could have redeemed this movie

I would have totally loved this movie if in the end, Donna Thomson got shot by the CDC or something! Or found that her infection by the parasite had a latency and you saw her in the last seen with a bunch eating their way out her.
That was the most annoying character that I have ever seen in a movie!!!!!
I cannot understand how the actress that plays her is supposedly a voice actor!? The nasal lispiness of her delivery put me on the brink of suicide!


Woah. Not to make you more suicidal (lol though honestly you shouldn't joke about stuff like that...and if you're not joking, you have more issues than I do lol), but you kinda sound like a dick. Different strokes and all, but her character was the most likeable in the whole movie for me. I know she was flawed, but I liked that about her. At least she seemed real and like she had a heart, unlike most "professional" reporters. I don't know, I guess I'm just different/weird and find endearing/relate to characters "normal" people find annoying :-) Apparently I'm the only one? ::shrug::

So I have to disagree with the harsh judgment of her character. Just really tired of people acting like hardasses and all the Social Darwinism and judging of flawed (especially socially flawed) characters/people on here and on the net as a whole. I don't know if its just because they're easy targets (might as well punch a puppy lol) and usually don't fight back or what, but its not cool and really needs to stop. I know everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but its just ridiculous I’m made to feel like the only person who feels this way and makes me feel like I’m losing my mind (and makes me kinda I'm "joking" lol). Ridiculous I'm usually the only one who sticks up for these characters. Doesn't do much for my faith in humanity. So offense, but that post was a bit douchey of you lol Did a whole rant about it in another topic I just created :-)

"That's the theme of my movies: The victory of the battered idealist in a cynical world."


Woah. Not to make you more suicidal (lol though honestly you shouldn't joke about stuff like that...and if you're not joking, you have more issues than I do lol), but you kinda sound like a dick.

I liked the movie but really? It's ok to wish for (you know you've done it) a FICTIONAL character in a FICTIONAL movie to suffer a horrible, painful, awful death that would be.... yep... FICTION!!

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


I would have totally loved this movie if in the end, Donna Thomson got shot by the CDC or something! Or found that her infection by the parasite had a latency and you saw her in the last seen with a bunch eating their way out her.

Personally I am really glad that DIDN'T happen. I am so fed up of "everyone died" endings. Plus I rather liked her.
