Why the low rating?

Maybe too many Michael Bay fans on here? Kidding. I am usually very hard to please and I just cant understand the low rating. I love most of Hillcoats work and was not disappointed, in fact thought it was an excellent film. With the rating i was expecting to hate it but found myself thinking it was one of the best of its type I have seen.


Plot from the beginning became predictable for me, after the Russians took out Michael's best bud in the world. They were navy seals together. They were "family". Well, after Vassili tells his wife to persuade Michael to do the second job by hurting him, Irina decides on taking out his blood brother permanently. Too me that was too extreme and made it obvious to me that in the end this would be about revenge. Also, From the very beginning, Michael states that he doesn't trust Franco, so why would he let Franco get the drop on him under the bridge?

Eram quod es, eris quod sum


In a nutshell, it was not that good. I simply think it was incoherent and in the end, what was the point?

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama


I agree with you. The movie seems to be somewhat underrated here on IMDB. It's really easy to say that it was predictable after you've watched the entire movie. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. I enjoyed the movie. Excellent cast and good performances all around.


I watched this movie without much knowledge of the plot or who was a part of the cast. I feel like all of the actors gave strong performances. I didn't even recognize Kate Winslet, so I would say she did an awesome job transforming herself. I also liked the production value for this movie--there was a nice variety of scene locations, lighting techniques, and some exciting action sequences. Triple 9 is good for an original story and it could've been much better had more clarity been brought to the plot. The story details surrounding each character were just poorly structured and oftentimes confusing.


Hillcoats work don't appeal to the mass audiences on IMDb.


To each his own but here's why I didn't like the movie.
1) poorly fleshed out characters: only 3 characters seemed to have a back story and even those stories were quite thin. Everyone else felt like a stock character
2) questionable plot points. For example, Irina is told to "hurt" Michael, so she kills his best friend. Not only does that seem like overkill, but why would you kill someone that's in the small team you need to rob the DHS building? You've just crippled your own mercenaries. Also, Chris calls his nephew to tell him Rodriguez is dirty. At the same time, he's in the guy's car? Something is off or unexplained with that whole sequence of events.
3) stretches the logic of police work. Why would these detectives be raiding a hostile apartment complex firing at them? Where's SWAT? And when the guy escapes on foot why are they the only two cops that seem to be pursuing? Where's everyone else? And how come after multiple shootings/kills, none of the cops are on mandatory leave for psych evaluation and/or investigation?
4) Lot of similarities to other superior police dramas. Training Day (Russians, betrayal of a new partner, hiring latin gangsters to kill cops). Heat (bank heist, squad members betraying each other or making bad decisions due to family). End of Watch (with the police being ambushed and the vendetta with the latin gang etc). When all those movies are far better, you don't want to be reminded of them.
4) everything felt like a plot device. Given that the money is never retrieved, the stolen items from DHS are never exposed, and everyone dies with nobody getting away or being saved (except affleck), the whole thing just seemed like a story of bad men meeting bad ends (which is not an original tale)
5) Kate Winslet is a great actor, but I felt like she mailed it in as generic Russian mob wife.

I can probably come up with more but I think you get the idea why I didn't like it.


This dog crap deserves a quick disposal, not a rating!


Don't know... I liked it a lot other than the very end.


I thought it was very good. A solid 8 out of 10 i'd say. I agree that the very end could have been better. I didn't like the way it stopped so suddenly.
