Why such low scores?

I mean is it just me who actually thinks this movie is very good? 5.1 is a really unfair score aswell. I thought Tyler Perry was excellent as was Ed Burns and Matthew Fox was awesome. I've seen alot worse that have better ratings and it baffles me.


I thought it was good too. I gave it an 8.
I am watching it again on Showtime right now and it has a 1 star rating which is crazy. I don't understand why so many people didn't like it. I'm guessing people who have read the book first weren't happy with the movie. I have never read the book.


I watched it before reading the books and didn't like it. It was way too cheesy and they tried too hard to fit everything from the books into the movie, which was easy to see even without reading the books and even more so after.

Example: the way they filmed Cross describing Picasso's profile. A very Horatio Caine-like scene.

Fighting a religious war is like fighting over whose imaginary friend is better.


I thought 5.1 was actually too high.
I gave it a 2. I hated this movie, hated everything about it.


I have read many books by Joe R. Lansdale. They are set in East Texas among African Americans, rednecks, and every stripe of criminal you can think of. Timewise, they run from the 1930's depression to now.

One on tv awhile back was called "Cold in July" based on a book from the 1980's. It was about members of the Dixie mafia and had actors like Don Johnson, Sam Sheppard and Michael C. Hall (Dexter Morgan).

Well, a young director kept showing the movie to focus groups according to the commentary. All he heard was "get to the action, get to the action, get to the shooting". He kept whittling all explanation of why people did things and who they were until the audience was left in the dark about motivations.

This movie is pretty short and apparently like "Cold in July" they threw the baby out with the bathwater. I would liked to have known more about the killer and what motivated him. Just like we were left in the dark about the killer in "Silence of the Lambs" Someone told me the book on Silence of the Lambs told what made the killer tick.

This is one movie that might have been improved by being 15 minutes longer with some explanations.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else


I like Edward Burns.........so I like the film.


5.1 seems pretty fair. I didn't think it was anywhere as bad as people are making it out to be. Freeman's 'Cross' films are much better thrillers, though.


It's the poor acting that's brought down its score. It really was poor.Very poor.


Hated this movie. Way too cheesy.
Loved the Cross books and this didn't feel like them at all.
Terrible actors and terrible film.
