R or NC-17

I wondering what rating Office Christmas Party is going to get?
1. R for Crude Sexual Content, Graphic Language, and graphic nudity, and crude humor or
2. NC-17 for Full On crude sexual content

If you see Jeff Gordon in your rear view mirror, put that S.O.B. in the wall. - Dale Earnhardt


R. They don't really make wide-release NC-17 movies.


^^ right. I haven't heard of a wide release NC-17 since some of those obscure horror movies in the 80s, and even that wasn't for sexual content, it was for gallons of blood and the like. Studios usually try very hard to get the MPAA to cut down to an R rating. Believe it or not, they're not going to make as much cash off of an NC-17 film.


La Vie d'Adele has a 7 and a half minutes uninterrupted lesbian scene and it had a wide release lol.


Well, I don't know as much about foreign films. That's not really even in the MPAA's jurisdiction unless/until it gets released in America at some point.

"We're not too old for this sh*t!" -Riggs and Murtaugh, 'Lethal Weapon 4' (1998)


either a hard R or a hard PG-13.


A hard R... I was on set and it will be hilarious.



whats a hard R and a hard pg13 even mean? it would be R or pg13 hard has nothing to do with it.

and it better be a R rating.


"Hard PG-13" is a term used to describe a more intense PG-13 film that pushes the boundaries of what is allowed in a PG-13 rating. A "Hard-R" is the same concept but with the boundaries of the R-rating. There's a very fine line between an R and an NC-17.

For example, a film like "Philomena" (originally rated R and appealed to a PG-13 with no cuts) pushes the profanity barrier of the PG-13 limits as it says the f-word four times, when technically only up to two are allowed, typically one. So Philomena would be a "hard PG-13" film. Even films like Scary Movie 3 and 4 push the sexual comedy limits of the PG-13 a lot.

A hard-R film would be something like Wolf of Wall Street or Hostel. Movies that feature graphic profanity, sexuality, and violence -- whereas some films are simply rated-R for saying the "f-word" five times.


I think it will be standard R. Raunchy comedies have gotten to the point of redundancy. I don't think you can call one a "Hard R" again until they do something that really pushes the envelope, but still gets an R rating.


film ratings are fake anyways and dont mean anything. you can be a sheep and preach the fine lines between ratings or just enjoy a movie whether it has 3 and a half f words or 73 and a half f words. or boobs.


Any person with half a brain would know the answer to this question.

Last seen: The Killing Joke [6/10]


R for drug misuse, alcohol abuse, sexual material, and language


First off,Films don't " get" hard R ratings.It's either R ....on the low end..or it's PG13. It was, one F'k got you PG13, 2 and it was R,...Now,what they call " pervasive drug use"(whatever that means) gets R , But, I've never seen Alcohol use used that way,I don't think it has a designation.


R. If they have good NC-17 material then there will be an "Unrated" edition of the Blu-ray.

Philo's Law: To learn from your mistakes, you have to realize you're making mistakes.


Based on the 2nd trailer, it's obviously Rated R (with UNRATED version on DVD/Blu-ray)

-Sorry for my Bad English (if there are any)


Just confirmed: R for crude sexual content and language throughout, drug use and graphic nudity.

You've about nailed it.
