Posted/Updated Cast Credit

A lot of people were upset/flabbergasted that Sean Ferris was not credited, but no one mentioned doing an update.

I posted an update, so standby for it to hit.

Fight the FOCA


I looked for his character but couldn't find it, and I didn't know the actor's name, so I couldn't try to update the credits.

If you love Jesus Christ 100% (and He is #1 in your life) copy this and use it for your signature.


But there are dozens of posts which provide his name and the character's name, and that is all that is needed for the update.

Everyone griped about it, but no one did anything about it. Reminds me of the commercial of the people on the escalator calling for help after it breaks down.

Fight the FOCA


Is he the one that played Shawn on Days of Our Lives?
