MovieChat Forums > The Lost Valentine (2011) Discussion > We need more movies like this

We need more movies like this

I was extremely impressed with this movie, it's message, and the performances. I wish we could have more movies and tv shows like this.

Betty White is a marvel. Even though she's somewhat overexposed right now, she always gives incredible performances. JLH and Sean Faris had nice chemistry. And the two young actors playing the flashback scenes were also extremely good.

I plan on purchasing the dvd for sure.

Al - Alicia
An - Andrew
Jo - Joseph
Be - Benjamin


I too wish we could have more movies and t.v. shows like this.


I know. It seems like most of the things aired on prime-time tv are rather stupid. Give me a Hallmark movie over them any time.

If you love Jesus Christ 100% (and He is #1 in your life) copy this and use it for your signature.


Agreed, it was very enjoyable and reminded me of my parents- my father served in the Pacific but came home and had a great life until his death a couple years ago.

Movies like this one are so much nicer than the reality shows that pollute our modern TV landscape.

Note to writers:
If you must kill off a character, make it the sunglasses dude on CSI Miami!


I really enjoyed this movie too. Usually (as a guy) I'm not a sucker for movies like this but it had a nice flow. The multi-layered storyline worked really well and all the chracters had soemthing to say. Also the actors gave great performances. It definitely could have been longer. The success of this flick goes to show that people are still excited about TV and tune in, as long as the networks offer quality products.
