Do producers and directors really think sci-fi viewers are that stupid?
It seems directors and producers only focus on big names and visuals nowadays.
There are not many good sci-fi films, simulating a visit to another nearby planet.
As much as I appreciated the visuals, the lack of intelligence of these so called ''scientists'' in this film is absurdly condescending to the viewers.
Why would they investigate a possible ''microscopic anomaly'' without telling their superiors, specially knowing the life threatening risks that might be involved?
Why would any scientist, smart enough to have the privilege to go on a mission to Mars, knowing the possibility of finding extremophiles (bacterial/fungal life), be stupid enough to take samples inside their living quarters and labs without having proper sample containment vessels to avoid any kind of contamination?
Seems to me directors don't research this stuff well enough or they just see the viewers as incredibly stupid.
Since we lack really good new sci-fi's I gave it a 6, ok story but the ending shouldn't have been so open. Specially because with a title like that they shouldn't be planning on making a sequel anyways.