Oh the awfulness of it all
The sets were decent and it started off well, established characters and conflicts, but then it totally fell apart when the darn zombie walked in. Cliche after cliche, like some hopped up producer ran in and said, "Let's add a zombie or two it's too boring. The motivation for the zombie germs? "Oh I know! Water, like that Star Trek episode where the alien needs salt." Genius film makers. Awful ending. Spoiler below:
Don't waste your time watching, one guy is left who says he might be infected so he's saying to no one in particular on the radio that he's gonna burn up on reentry. How could anyone act in this with a straight face. No twists, no turns, no intrigue, no mysteries, just blah blah blah astronauts with insipid personality issues who turn into zombies because of water loving bacteria, and become assorted bunches o' crazy people, who engage in lots of cussing and really bad astronaut fighting.